What is the name of the special candle holder used during Hanukkah?
What is a menorah?
What is Diwali often called?
What is Festival of Lights?
What is a week long celebration of African American culture?
Boxing Day is celebrated on which date?
What is December 26th?
What does "Las Posadas" celebrate?
What is the journey of Joseph and Mary?
How many days does Hanukkah last?
What is 8 days?
What do people light during Diwali to celebrate?
What are lamps or diyas?
How many days does Kwanzaa last?
What is 7 days?
In which country did Boxing Day originate?
How long does Las Posadas last?
What is 9 days?
What food is traditionally eaten during Hanukkah that is fried in oil?
What is latkes?
What is the name of the candle holder used in Kwanzaa?
What is a kinara?
What is a common activity people do on Boxing Day?
What is shopping or watching sports?
What is a traditional activity during Las Posadas?
What is nightly processions and singing?
What does the word "Hanukkah" mean?
What is dedication?
In which season does Diwali usually occur?
What is Fall?
What is the first principle of Kwanzaa?
What sport is watched on Boxing Day?
What is soccer (football)?
In which country is Las Posadas primarily celebrated?
What is Mexico?
In which country did Hanukkah originate?
What is Israel?
What is one traditional sweet eaten during Diwali?
What color represents Kwanzaa?
What is black, red, and green?
Why did the holiday start?
What type of food is often shared during Las Posadas?
What is tamales or ponche?