What is Holly's middle name?
What is the age gap between Holly and Jonathan?
What is 4 years.
How old was Holly when her and Jonathan started dating?
what is 16 years old
When is the wedding?
What is May 4th.
What is the second language is Holly fluent in?
How many years have Holly and Jonathan been dating?
What is 6 years
How old was Holly when she met Jonathan?
what is 13-14, 8th grade.
What is Holly's favorite part of Jonathan's body?
What is his arms.
What is Holly's major?
What is Speech Pathology.
Bonus points for Minor in Psychology and ASL
Who said I love you first?
Bonus points for knowing Jonathans responce
Who is Holly.
Jonathan's response was laughing in Holly's face.
How old was Holly when she had her first kiss?
What is 11?
Will except 6th grade, half points for middle school.
What is Holly and Jonathan's favorite thing to do together?
What is roadtrip/exploring. (hiking, etc)
Half points for anything involving food.
what was the name of Holly's first dog?
what is Foster
Where did Holly and Jonathan meet?
What is Church.
How many boys did Holly kiss before she started dating Jonathan?
What is 3-4.
What is Holly's favorite quality of Jonathan?
What is how kindly intentional he is.
Will accept, how caring he is
How many times did Holly move cities before graduating high school?
What is 8.
Will except 7-9
What holiday/special day is close to their anniversary?
What is Holly's birthday.
what was Holly's first boyfriend's name?
What was Holly's first impression of Jonathan?