What is Ethans Favorite Movie
What is Avas Favorite Color
What is Ryders Favorite Sport
What is the Triplets Actual Birthday?
February 25th
True or False - February is the MOST common birth month
FALSE - the LEAST common birth month
What is Ethans favorite Football Team
What is Avas favorite Icecream Flavor
Who is Ryders favorite football team?
In what order were the triplets born?
Ryder Ava Ethan
This birthday staple is believed to have originated in Ancient Greece.
What is : Birthday Cake!
How Tall is Ethan
5' 10
If Ava could go anywhere in the world where would she go?
What is Ryders Favorite Food?
Steak and Fried Rice
Who would climb from crib to crib each night when they were babies?
This is the day where one turns the same age as their birthday. For example, turning 8 years old when you were born on the 8th.
What is : Your GOLDEN Birthday!
What bone did Ethan break in the 2nd grade?
His Leg
Where has Ava had to get stiches?
Her Ear
What is Ryders Favorite Movie
Uncle Drew Movie
Who liked to catch snakes and came home with 2 snakes in each hand one afternoon?
How common are triplets?
A. 7/100
B. 7/1,000
c. 7/10,000
d. 7/100,000
C - 7 in 10,000
What was Ethans Nickname when he was a baby
E Manny Manny Mo
What abnormal feature does Ava have due to being squished between her brothers in the womb?
Indent in her ear
What does Ryder want to be when he grows up?
Fighter Pilot
Who came home from the hospital first?
In this island country, finding a coin in your piece of birthday cake means you will become rich.
What is: United Kingdom/England/Great Britain?