Who were the Allied forces?
France, USSR, United Kingdom, and USA
Why/how did the United States enter WW2
Pearl Harbor
Definition of the Holocaust:
Persecution of 6 million Jews
Definition of anti-semitism
Hostility or prejudice against Jews
What is the opposite of liberation?
Imprisonment, not set free.
Define barracks:
A building to house many prisoners or soldiers in a small space
Give me any vocab term and definition.
Example: liberation, to be set free
True or false: axis is a group of countries that opposed the Allied powers.
True or false: the Holocaust involved killing 7 million jews.
Define Liberation:
Setting someone free of imprisonment.
Give me one reason why the Holocaust was inhumane:
One reason the Holocaust was inhumane was…
Define concentration camps:
People are kept in small areas, people were malnourished, beat, or even killed, etc.
Why should we remember the Holocaust?
The Holocaust was…
What were barracks typically made out of?
identify 3 ways the video from “Band of Brothers” depicted the concentration camp.
They covered their nose (smelled bad), Jewish people were malnourished, there was mud and grime everywhere, etc.
What is the opposite of ghetto?
Allowing Jewish people to live and work whenever and wherever they want.
What was the “Star of David?”
A 6-pointed star that was sewed into all Jewish clothing to almost “label” Jewish people.
1937: Japan invaded ____.
Define Ghetto:
The segregation of Jews from the rest of the population.
What year did Pearl Harbor happen?
How many vocab terms do we have for ELA this week?
Define Chancellor:
A person in the position of the highest rank.
Accepting all people of different backgrounds and religions is the opposite of:
In the “Band of Brothers” video what were Jewish people wearing?
Striped pajamas.
Bonus: does Ms. Parque love purple