Tempus HQ
Tempus VG
During Shinri's 3D, the Armis members asked him to do a certain dance. What dance was this?

The Spaghetti dance


For the Hololive super expo promotional art, each boy was allowed to pick a pose from a selectional. Coincidentally, all HQ members picked the same pose however only one was given the iconic pose.

50pt for the member, 50pt for the pose

Magni with the heart pose


During the "Mr. Schadenfreude" music video that Axel posted, each member was given a 'role'. What role was given to Hakka?

The knight


What is the gen name between Kaoru, Oga and Shien



Which Tempus (VG & HQ) members wear no pants whilst streaming

Axel, Altare, Vesper, Magni, Hakka, Shinri


During Wrestletuber tournament, against all odds, Bettel won. However there was one person who guessed it all along. Which member of Armis was this?



Vesper was known for using a certain series' artstyle consistantly for the "TEMPUS Interview" series that he did. 

What was this series?

South Park


During debut, each boy was given a guild card. This contains details about their name, stats, height and guild role.

What is Machina X Flayon's official guild role?

Customer support


What is the duo name for Rikka and Shien

Shadow Gear


Which Holostars members appear within the music video 'Woven fates'

Vesper, Shinri, Axel, Altare, Bettel


After "Aishite Aishite Aishite", Octavio stated that this cover was not inspired by the original but rather another cover. He also stated that another Holostars member helped out briefly.

What was this cover? Who was the holostars member?

Ado cover and Izuru Kanade


During the "Parasocial stream", Axel gives a description of his 'girlfriend', to which chat compares his girlfriend to a Holostars member. Which Holostars member did they compare?


During Tempus poker, the question of favourite rocks came up. What was Bettel and Magni's favourite rock and who got it in the end?

Geode and Bettel


What Holostars JP member was unable to do an IRL meetup with the rest of the members due to University exams



During the Holostars JP tour of the minecraft server, they finished the ended with the iconic jump from Vespers tower to the lake below, some member/s were not fortunate enough to have made the jump. Who were those member/s

Miyabi and Bettel


During a "Deadcells" stream, Ruze voiced an NPC with a "calm" voice, according to chat this voice sounded very similar to another Holostar's member. What member is this?

(Play the clip if too hard zee)



During a stream, Magni got so mad at a game that he raged and needed to take the VOD down permanently to save perms. What game was this?

Overwatch 2


Bettel had a long running bit where he was dating Siri. What stream did this relationship start?

Convienence store

Shien is quite known for having a 'type' within mobage games, what is this type? or give an example of a character he has liked.

"Pretty" boys TM. EG Epel


During the "Tempus is Broke" animated video, each boy gives a suggestion. What were each suggestion?

50pt for each one correct

Bettel sells spoons
Magni suggests pyramid schemes
Hakka explodes chickens
Vesper sells watch scams
Shinri suggests a bake sale
Axel robs a bank
Altare is a gold digger (Or like Bettel in Sims saturday)
Flayon suggests a host club


For Armis Half year anniversary, each of the boys had to make another person's hat. Who made who's hat?

50pt for each correct answer

Octavio made GB's
Jurard made Octavio's
Ruze made Jurard's
GB made Ruze's


Axel and Altare have the duo of "Shiny, spicy". However this name has had numerous occurances of more people being added. 

Who was added? and what was their name?

100pt for each nickname and person

Shiny Spicy Selen (Selen)
Shiny Spicy SE- (Astel)
Shiny Spicy Stupid/Stinky (Bettel)
Shiny Spicy Salty (Magni)


During Shinri's 3D, he had a shot depicting the timeline of deaths. What was this timeline?

60pt for each person

Ruze - Octavio - Jurard - Axel - Goldbullet - Altare - Bettel - Flayon - Hakka

Recount the story of toliettempo

tell em zee


What is the current (31/08/24) order of 3D debuts within both JP and EN

20 pt for each guess, additional 20pt for all correct answers per GEN

Rikka - Roberu - Shien - Oga - Aruran - Temma - Miyabi - Izuru - Astel - Rio - Gamma - Uyu - Fuma - Altare - Axel - Bettel - Flayon - Hakka - Shinri