HG Trivia
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8th Grade Class Trivia
For those of you who have been at Holy Ghost since Kindergarten, this was your teacher.
Who is Mrs. Stenzel.
The girls were sad when Isabel decided not to return after 6th grade, but they may be able to watch her on TV one day performing in the Olympics in this sport.
What is gymnastics.
This is where you'd look in the Bible to find the current Holy Ghost school theme "Be Strong and Courageous".
What is Joshua 1:9
8th grade hosted the PTL movie night this year. This was the movie.
What is Boss Baby.
This 8th grader has a beautiful voice and is the only one in the class to have participated in All County. Of course this was after making it on the big screen singing "Let it Go"
Who is Allison (Elsa).
Mrs. Gildersleeve's nickname, apparently given to her by the 8th grade girls.
What is "the sleeve"
Your class bid farewell to a red-headed friend after 5th grade, but you may still be able to see her if you stop into one of the stores her family runs for this company.
What is Ace Hardware.
Each Year HG Lutheran Schools week ends with a basketball game featuring the 8th graders vs. the teachers. Last year this team won.
Who are the 8th graders
The HG Cookie Dough fundraiser always includes characters that you can collect to hang off of lanyards. This was the animal this year.
What are chickens.
You all know Emily's mom is an aide in the PreK classroom, but another classmate also had a parent that was an aide in the PreK classroom.
Who is Bryce's mom.
This teacher is featured in the yearbook with the same picture each year.
Who is Mr. Meissner (in his baby picture).
Pastor Sallach retired, but most of you still see him each week picking up his granddaughter from school. Some of you may miss seeing the Sallach's 4 legged friend who occasionally wandered across the street to say hello.
Who is Olive the dog.
HG Varsity Soccer Team won the Championship this year. This person kicked the winning goal.
Who is Zach.
Last Year Mr. G. and Mrs. Stenzel went head to head in a Chopped competition during the Taste of Holy Ghost. This was the winner.
Who is Mrs. Stenzel.
Most of you 8th graders were happy to return to the classroom this year and find new furniture, but Mr. Meissner may still miss his old chair of this color.
What is Rust or Orange.
Mrs. Woodley teaches 4th grade this year. This is the grade she taught when she first started at Holy Ghost.
What is Kindergarten.
This teacher's departure made way for Mrs. Gildersleeve to return to Holy Ghost, but may be best remembered for the smencil sale while teaching 5th grade.
Who is Ms. Bierlein.
The shortest HG school theme, just 2 words, was just two years ago.
What is Made New.
In an effort to raise funds for the outdoor basketball court, the HG PTL hosted a Murder Mystery dinner a few years ago. One of your parents was the "murderer".
Who is Jacob's dad (Mr. Walter).
For their 6th grade Halloween costume, this 8th grader only needed a name tag to become this person from a famous commercial. (2 part answer name the student and the person on the commercial)
Who is Jacob & Jake from State Farm.
During Teacher appreciation week last year the main bulletin board featured a survey that the teachers filled out. One question was "If there was a movie made about your life, what actor would play you?" This famous actor is who Pastor White chose.
Who is Tom Hanks.
3 of you have sibling in 7th grade. If these brothers didn't leave after the oldest was in 1st grade, there would have been 4 sets of siblings in 7th & 8th grade at Holy Ghost this year.
Who are Evan and Carson Blatner.
One of the most popular HG School themes can still be seen on shirts passed down to younger siblings with the letters LOL. LOL stands for this (hint: it's not Laugh out Loud).
What is Life of Love
The Holy Ghost website features a picture of your class when Andy Parker came to visit with the Weather Machine (back when they were in 5th grade). This person is standing in the weather machine for the picture.
Who is Zach.
In June when you graduate, these four 8th graders will wear a cap and gown for the 2nd time at Holy Ghost.
Who are Allison, Bryce, Ryan and Zach.