What the Eucharistic Minister says before they offer you the Blessed Host?
What is "Body of Christ"?
Sacrament of Initiation?
What is Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation?
Pass out Bulletins and song sheets?
Who are Greeters?
Original name of Holy Trinity?
What is St Peter's?
Where the extra consecrated Eucharist are held?
What is the Tabernacle?
Sacrament of Healing?
What is Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick?
In charge of opening and closing the Church?
Who are Sacristans?
Original Street of Holy Trinity?
What is Offarrel?
Where was the first Eucharist given?
What is the Last Supper by Jesus?
Sacrament of Service?
Matrimony and Holy Orders?
Where smaller groups are read the Gospel separately?
What is Children's Liturgy?
What year was Holy Trinity Created?
What is 1924 (November 11)?
What holds the consecrated Eucharist during Conducted Adoration?
What is the Monstrance?
Sacraments you can only receive once?
What is Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders?
Unordained person wear a cassock and a surplice?
What are Altar Servers?
This was here before Holy Trinity School?
What is a convent?
Where in the Bible did Jesus proclaim he was "The Bread of Life"?
What is John 6:35 when Jesus fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish?
How many baskets were used for the leftovers?
What was the first Sacrament to appear in the Bible?
What is the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist? Matthew 3:13-17
Can Baptize, Serve Communion, Serve weddings, and Serve Funerals?
Who is a Deacon?
What decade did the first services happen?
What is the 1960s?