Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Holy Week

When is Palm Sunday celebrated this year?

Palm Sunday happens 7 days before Easter. It is celebrated March 24th this year. 


When is Holy Thursday?

Holy Thursday is the day before Good Friday. This year we celebrate Holy Thursday on March 28th, 2024.


When is Good Friday this year?

Good Friday is after Holy Thursday. It is on March 29th of this year. 


When is Easter Sunday?

This year, Easter Sunday is on March 31st. 


What animal did Jesus ride on Palm Sunday?

A donkey


What happened on Palm Sunday? What do we celebrate?

Jesus rides on a donkey into Jerusalem and the people wave palms as a sign of honor and respect.


What happened on Holy Thursday? What do we celebrate?

HINT: There are 2 things.

Jesus had the Last Supper with his disciples, and he washed their feet. 


What happened on Good Friday? What do we remember this day?

We remember the day that Jesus Christ was crucified to save us from our sin. 


What happens on Easter Sunday? What do we do celebrate?

On Easter Sunday, we celebrate because Jesus has come back from the dead! He has resurrected.


Where was Jesus going on Palm Sunday? 

HINT: It starts with a J



Why was Jesus going to Jerusalem?

Because the Jewish people were going to celebrate Passover


What does the word "Disciple" mean?

This means

- Follower

- Believer

- Student


Who Jesus sentenced to death and WHY?

Pontius Pilate because all the people wanted Jesus dead and he did not want them to start a fight. 



How many days did it take for Jesus to come back from the dead?

3 days


Who took care of Jesus' body after he died and put him in a cave?

Joseph of Arimathea



Why did the people use palm leaves to welcome Jesus? What do palm leaves stand for?

The palm leaves meant winning, goodness, and death to life. 


What does the word "Supper" mean? Why is it called the "Last Supper"?

"Supper" means meal or dinner. It is called the "Last Supper" because it was the LAST meal Jesus had with his disciples before he was crucified. 


Who did the soldiers send to help Jesus carry the cross?

Simon of Cyrene


Where was Jesus laid to rest after he had died?

In a cave with a rock rolled in front of it. 


Who bretrayed Jesus, which led to his arrest?

Judas Iscariot


The people were yelling, "Hosanna!" when Jesus entered Jersulam. What does "Hosanna" mean?

"Hosana" means to "Pray, save us." 


Why did Jesus wash the feet of his disciples?

He washed the feet of his disciples because he wanted to serve others. He does not think about himself, but about how he can help other people. 


Why did Jesus let all this happen to Him?

Jesus was in pain because He wanted to save us from our sin. That is how much He loves us. We have to try to be kind and friendly, just like Him, every day. 


Who moved the rock from in front of the cave?

An angel


Why is the day we remember when Jesus died called "GOOD Friday"?

This is because we remember that event though Jesus died, he came back from the dead and saved us from our sin.