Holy Week
Catholic Mass

The first day of Lent

What is Ash Wednesday?


This is the first day of Holy Week.

What is Palm Sunday?


Easter is always celebrated on this day of the week.

What is Sunday?


This the day that Jesus died.

What is Holy Thursday?

What is Good Friday?

What is Easter

What is Good Friday?


We do not say this word during Lent masses

What is Alleluia?

What is And with your spirit?

What is The body of Christ?

What is Alleluia?


The color of vestments the priest wears during Lent.

What is purple?


He gave Jesus up to the soldiers for 30 pieces of silver

Who is Judas?


Jesus said these words to his apostles when he saw them after the resurrection.

What is "Peace be with you."

What is "Bless you."

What is "I love you."

What is "Peace be with You."


This Mass during the Triduum is where the washing of the feet takes place.

What is Holy Thursday?

What is Good Friday?

What is Easter Vigil?

What is Holy Thursday?


Color of the vestments the priest wears during during Easter.

What is purple?

What is white?

What is pink/rose?

What is white?


During Lent, we remember Jesus' time in the what?

What is the desert?


Daily Double: Garden where Jesus prayed and asked God why He had forsaken Him?

What is Garden of Eden?

What is Garden of Spring?

What is Gethsamane?

What is Gethsamane?


Children will often look for these candy filled items on Easter.

What is an Easter egg or Easter egg hunt?


Daily Double: This is the one day a year where no Mass is said. 

Hint - It's one of the days of the Triduum

What is Good Friday?


All hosts are consecrated for the Good Friday service at which Mass?

Hint - It's on of the services during the Triduum.

What is Holy Thursday?


How long Lent lasts.

What is 40 days?


City Jesus traveled to fulfill His mission

What is Jerusalem?


Daily Double: How many days is the Easter season? (After Lent)

What is 50?

What is 10?

What is 0?

What is 50 days?


This is the Mass where there are 7 readings.

Hint - The Mass is in the evening

What is Easter Vigil or Holy Saturday?


This is the day when the Alleluia is said again.

What is Easter?


This mystery tells us of Jesus' life, suffering and death and resurrection.

What is the Mystery of the Universe?

What is the Paschal Mystery?

What is the Paschal Mystery?


Jesus did this action to His apostles at the Last Supper to show how he was there to serve them, too.

Hint - it includes a basin or tub.

What is washing their feet?


The one apostle who stayed and followed Jesus up to his crucifixtion.

Who is Pete?

Who is Judas?

Who is John?

Who is John?


Jesus asked us to wash each other's feet as a symbol of His _______ and _________ 

What is fire and brimstone?

What is sun and water?

What is love and service?

What is love and service (to one another)?


Daily Double: This is the Mass where RCIA candidates become Catholic.

Hint - This Mass is at night.

What is the Easter Vigil or Holy Saturday?