Wednesday of Holy Week is sometimes called this.
What is Spy Wednesday?
Another name for Holy Thursday, this English term comes from the latin of Jesus' command to love one another, and means "service"?
What is Maundy Thursday?
Good Friday commemorates this event in the life of Jesus.
What is the crucifixion?
Holy Saturday lasts until this time.
What is dusk (or sunset)?
Easter celebrates this event in the life of Jesus.
What is the ressurection?
Spy Wednesday refers to this person and event.
What is Judas betraying Jesus (turning over Jesus)?
At the Holy Thursday mass, this action of Jesus is reenacted, after the homily.
What is washing of feet?
On Good Friday, Catholics participate in these two practices. One which is encouraged during every Friday of the Lenten season and another which is encouraged on Ash Wednesday.
What is fasting and abstaining from meat?
This celebration marks the officially beginning to the Easter season, and although taking place on the Saturday calendar day is not part of Holy Saturday.
What is the Easter Vigil?
The "day" of Easter lasts this long, while we celebrate Easter for this long as a season.
What is 8 days and 50 days?
Judas' betrayal of Jesus is referenced in these three gospels?
What is Matthew, Mark and Luke (or synoptic gospels)?
Holy Thursday mass is often called "Mass of.." this two word term that we celebrate each time we celebrate mass.
What is Mass of the Lord's Supper?
Traditionally this action occurs during the Good Friday services, in commemoration of the crucifixion.
What is adoration or veneration of the cross?
"This is the night that even now, throughout the world sets Christian believers apart from wordly vices and from the gloom of sin, leading them to grace and joining them to his holy ones." and "O truly necessary sin of Adam, destoryed completely by the Death of Christ." These are excerpts from this, which is sung or recited during the lightning of the Paschal candle and the candles of the congregation?
What is the exultet?
This is how the date of Easter is decided.
What is first Sunday after the first full moon after the March equinox/first day of Spring?
This word refers to the service of extinguishing candles that is sometimes held on Spy Wednesday or the morning of Holy Thursday?
What is tenebrae?
It was during this Jewish feast that Jesus instituted the Eucharist.
What is the Passover?
This additional form of prayer commonly occurs on Good Friday and recounts Jesus' passion.
What are the Stations of the Cross?
Easter Vigil contains these four parts, two of which are contained at every mass.
What is the service of light, Liturgy of the Word, Rite of Christian Initian and renewal of baptismal vows, and Liturgy of the Eucharist?
This scriptural account is symbolized by holding a sunrise service on Easter Sunday?
What is the woman coming to the tomb on the morning of the first day of the week?
In the orthodox Church, Holy Wednesday is also the commemoration of this event that happened prior to Jesus' passion.
What is annointing of Jesus' feet by the sinful woman?
Holy Thursdays marks the beginning of this word for the three day celebration, culminating in Easter celebrations.
What is the Triduum?
These are the only three sacraments permitted to occur between Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil, unless special exemption is granted.
What is baptism (for those in danger of death), reconciliation and annointing of the sick?
The Liturgy of the Word during Easter Vigil has a series of readings recounting the stories of creation, Abraham, the exodus, and the foretelling of a Messiah in the prophets. This culminates in singing these two songs or responses, omitted during the Lenten season, prior to the reading of the ressurection of Jesus.
What is the Gloria and the Alleluia?
This term's main subject is the passion, death and ressurection of Jesus, which is celebrated during Holy week?
What is the paschal mystery?