how old is hundie?
9 years old
10 + 15 =
10 + 15 = 25
5 x 2 =
5 x 2 = 10
true or false:
lego freinds is a thing
what is my favorite game
what type of dog is hundie
brown and white springer spaniel
count to 100 in tens out loud
4 x 2 =
4 x 2 = 8
fill in the blank: "the lego ______ movie
the lego batman movie/ the lego ninjago movie
which type of payday do we have
payday 1975 edition
why is hundie so cute
no known reason
count to 40 out loud in 5's
if 4 + x = 46 what does x =
x = 6
what is the offical lego mascott
what gaming companie(s) make monopoly
hasbro & parker brothers
what word will hundie react to
50 + 50 =
50 + 50 = 100
read the sentence, then answer the question:
"go to the bustop and i want you to wait there"
correct the sentence
the i should be uppercase
why should you never say "legos"
then you would be saying play wells
which game is a video game and a normal game
what is hundies first nickname
10 x 1 =
10 x 1 = 10
50 x 3 =
50 x 3 = 150
what does lego mean
play well
fill in the blank
______ gaming
hasbro gaming