December 16, 1773 Americans committed a political protest against the British in Boston. What is the name of this now infamous protest?
The Boston tea party
I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.
The godfather
This iconic tv show has many famous moments. Spider pig being one of the many.
The Simpsons
1989-present with well over 700 episodes
When the Tesla model S was going through testing it broke one of the machines.
During validation of Model S roof crush protection at an independent commercial facility, the testing machine failed at just above 4 Gs. The exact number is unknown due to the fact that the Model S broke the testing machine, meaning that at least four additional fully loaded Model S vehicles could have been placed on top of the car without the roof caving in.
David’s father has 3 sons
Snap, crackle and ____
This famous warlord has had a confirmed 16 million people link through DNA to him.
Genghis khan
Many prominent historians have argued that in addition to general rape, Khan would take wives and daughters of defeated enemies for his own personal harem, adding to the number
I see dead people.
The sixth sense
This comedy show features 4 child main characters where you follow there crazy day to day life and adventures
South Park
An unknown fact is kyle was suppose to be killed off in season 5
All the world’s bacteria stacked on top of each other would stretch to the sun and back 18 times.
All the world’s bacteria stacked on top of each other would stretch for 10 billion light-years. The sun is 8 light minutes away from us.
What has 6 faces and 21 eyes?
What was WW1 referred to as before the 2nd world war
The Great War
You’ve got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well do ya punk?!
Dirty Harry
This famous doctor not only had a limp but also was an unconventional, medical genius who, despite his dependence on pain medication, leads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital
An elephant trunk has 12,000 individual muscles.
It has 40,000 an elephant's trunk is very delicate but strong at the same time. They can lift up to 700 pounds.
What can you put in a bucket to make it weigh less?
A hole
December 1932 Australia sent 1,000 soldiers to help exterminate an invasive species. What is the name of this event?
emu war
They killed nearly 1,000 emu and did it again only 3 years later and on the first day alone they kill over 300 emu.
Open the pod bay doors please HAL.
2001 a space odyssey
Apollo 11 moon landing
150 million viewers compared to the second most at Super Bowl LVII 115 million
By the time of death the average person will have walked the equivalent of 5 times around the world.
What has 5 fingers but is not alive?
A glove
In napoleons famous final stand over 50,000 men died. Where was this famous last stand for napoleon?
“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”
What Netflix original series has the most viewed hours with 2.2 billion total hours or when converted into years 251,141.
Squid games
The Universe's average colour is called 'Cosmic latte'
It’s similar to a beige white
What room do ghost avoid?
Living room