Nursing Practice
Palliative care
Random facts
What is Designated Supportive Living 4D?
Setting for patients with dementia, with 24/7 support for carrying out daily activities, secure with a smaller environment, 24/7 presence of LPN
Which of the following is a contraindication for digoxin administration? a) Blood pressure of 140/90 b) Heart rate above 80 c) Heart rate below 60 d) Respiratory rate above 20
HR <60
Melena, abdominal pain, a change in bowel habits.
What is colorectal cancer
An 80-year-old patient is receiving palliative care for heart failure. What are the primary purposes of her receiving palliative care (select all that apply)?
A. Improve her quality of life. B. Assess her coping ability with disease. C. Have time to teach patient and family about disease. D. Focus on reducing the severity of disease symptoms. E. Provide care that the family is unwilling or unable to give.
What interventions can the health care team perform with a patient that is designated an M1?
Site transfer, surgery, life sustaining, symptom control
What environment would be suitable for a patient with complex, unstable health needs that required 24/7 nursing care?
Long term care
Epinephrine is used to treat cardiac arrest and status asthmaticus because of which of the following actions? a) Increased speed of conduction and gluconeogenesis b) Bronchodilation and increased heart rate, contractility, and conduction c) Increased vasodilation and enhanced myocardial contractility d) Bronchoconstriction and increased heart rate
b) Bronchodilation, increased HR, contractility, and conduction
Fatigue, peripheral edema, ascites, weight gain
What is signs/symptoms of right sided heart failure
The home health nurse visits a 40-year-old breast cancer patient with metastatic breast cancer who is receiving palliative care. The patient is experiencing pain at a level of 7 (on a 10-point scale). In prioritizing activities for the visit, you would do which of the following first?
A. Auscultate for breath sounds. B. Administer prn pain medication. C. Check pressure points for skin breakdown. D. Ask family members about patient's dietary intake.
What is the fastest growing age demographic? a) Seniors >65 b) Children 0-18 c) Adults 18-35
a) Seniors
What is an example of indirect care that would be performed by a case manager?
Consulting with other nurses/health care providers Participating in client care conferences Advocating Documenting Obtaining results of diagnostic tests
Which of the following effects of calcium channel blockers causes a reduction in blood pressure?
a) Increased cardiac output b) Decreased peripheral vascular resistance c) Decreased renal blood flow e) Calcium influx into cardiac muscles
Forgetting names and location of objects, may have trouble finding words
What is stage 2 of Alzheimer's disease
During admission of a patient diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer, you assess for which of the following as a key indicator of clinical depression related to terminal illness?
A. Frustration with pain B. Anorexia and nausea C. Feelings of hopelessness D. Inability to carry out activities of daily living
Life sustaining and symptom control procedures are the only interventions performed when you have this goal of care status
What is the phone number to access home care in Edmonton?
Class IA antiarrhythmic agents have little effect on: A) AV node B) SA node C) Purkinje fibers D) Bundle of His
B) SA node
Rapidly progressive visual impairment, pain, corneal edema
What is signs/symptoms of open-angle glaucoma
What is the primary purpose of hospice?
A. Allow patients to die at home. B. Provide better quality of care than the family can. C. Coordinate care for dying patients and their families. D. Provide comfort and support for dying patients and their families.
What is the goal of telehomecare program?
To empower patients to take control of their own health, take control of their life and have a better quality of life
Give an example of an area that the interRAI assesses
ADLs, medication use, depression, continence, communication.....
Competitive antagonism of which of the following occurs at Beta receptor sites? a) Catecholamines b) Adrenergic sites c) Acetylcholine d) Norepinephrine
a) Catecholamines
Symptoms vary according to the areas of the brain affected and are often similar to those of Alzheimer’s disease.
What is vascular dementia
What is self-managed care?
is a program in which eligible Home Care clients, and/or their legal representative enter into a legal agreement (AHS). This agreement provides a Home Care client resources to directly pay for and managed their personal care and home support services. The funding will be based on your assessed unmet health care needs and will be re-assessed annually (or sooner if your health status changes)