What is Kek's new nickname?
Hannah's laugh is described as "like bells on a windy day." This shows the reader this about Hannah.
She is cheerful, friendly, and welcoming to a new friend.
What happens with the apple?
A boy threw an apple on Kek's desk. He threw it back and it hit him on the nose. Kek receives detention.
Why is it hard for Kek to understand money (green paper)?
The name Kek chooses for the cow, Gol, means this.
When Kek buys Hannah chocolate for Valentine's Day, it says, "My own heart grows so big with pride I fear it might pop open like a ripe seedpod." This shows that Kek feels this emotion very strongly.
When Lou tells Ganwar, "Well, I guess you'll have to use the other one," about his missing hand, her choice of language shows that she is this kind of person.
Practical, doesn't feel sorry for herself, funny
To Kek, cows symbolize this.
Family, home, pride, wealth
Why is Ganwar about getting a job?
Worried about working with only one hand. Nervous because Kek got a job first.
The simile, "Ganwar's words lie in my lap like huge rocks I am not strong enough to move," shows that Kek is feeling this.
Sad, defeated, helpless
When Kek says, "You would not believe it! They teach you and feed you and I have my own desk," about school, his word choice and the way he says things tells the reader this about his character.
Kek is enthusiastic, happy, and excited?
What bad news does Lou give Kek?
She is selling the farm.
Where did the class go on a field trip?
The zoo
When Kek is at the grocery store he says, "I stand like a tree rooted firm, my eyes too full of this place with its answers to prayers on every shelf." This simile shows that Kek feels this emotion.
Shocked, confused, overwhelmed
When Hannah has Kek over, she says, "Sorry, it's a dump, I know. [She sighs.] My last foster parents were total neat freaks." Her voice shows that she feels this emotion.
Sad, he doesn't want to keep working at the farm because he knows it will soon be gone. Wants to give up now before he is hurt.
On the field trip. why isn't Kek bothered by waiting in line?
He is used to it. He waited 9 hours for a handful of corn.
How are Kek and Ganwar's perspectives are different in these ways? (From any part of the book so far)
Kek is hopeful and Ganwar is hopeless, that Kek is an optimist and Ganwar is a pessimist, that Kek keeps trying no matter what and Ganwar has given up.
When Ganwar says, "I didn't come to this country to sweep floors...A man does not wear a paper hat and hand out ketchup packets," it tells the reader this about him.
He is hurt and too prideful to work at a fast food store.
What happens on the last day of school in Kek's ESL class?
Ms. Hernandez makes a speech about how she is proud of the class. They eat cake and read a poem from the base of the Statue of Liberty.