Don't Fall For It
If You Can't Take the Heat, Stay Outta the Kitchen!
Splish Splash I was Takin' a Bath
Home Inspector
Not so Extreme Home Makeovers

Getting this body part checked at least once a year, especially if you notice changes in your vision, can help decrease risk for falls



Storing commonly used items in what location will help avoid bending down, reaching, or climbing on counters/stools, which may cause a loss of balance?

on the countertop or within reach


Place a ______ in the tub to avoid slipping while taking a shower.

non-skid tub mat or adhesive strips


Make sure this is adequate throughout your home and around entrances to ensure that you can see any obstacles that could trip you up.



Having _____ on at least one side of every staircase could help conserve energy and decrease risk for falls.



Having _____ around the house, especially in the bathroom, will help to avoid sudden changes in light or tripping in the dark that could cause a fall at night.



Using a ______ to pick up objects off the floor or retrieve items high overhead will make the job easier and reduce your risk of losing your balance.



You can decrease risk for burns and avoid scolding tap water by adjusting this to 120 degrees.

water heater


Checking the functioning and batteries of ______ regularly, which should be located near all bedrooms and kitchen, could save your life in the event of a fire.

smoke detectors


Ensuring all windows and doors have this secure feature will reduce risks of break-ins.



Another way to reduce risk for falls is to secure all throw rugs, area rugs, and bathroom rugs with ____?

Double-sided tape and/or non-skid padding (or just remove rugs!)


Wearing what type of shirt while cooking is risky, especially while leaning/reaching over a pot or pan cooking on the stove?

Long sleeved shirt, especially if sleeves are loose


Having a _____ in the shower will allow you to conserve energy and also decrease your risk for slipping while bathing.

shower chair/tub bench


Keeping bushes and foliage pruned around these areas will help decrease risk for falls.

walkways, doorways, driveway


Installing grab-bars in these areas will decrease your risk of falling, especially under wet/slippery conditions.

on the walls around/in the bathtub/shower and next to the toilet


Eliminating _____ on the floor, especially in areas that you frequently walk through, will reduce your risk of tripping.

Clutter, including electrical cords, telephone cords, newspapers/magazines, remotes, etc.


Using a _______ to move heavy or awkward objects in the kitchen may reduce risk of hurting yourself or having a fall.

handcart, rollator with a seat, or walker with a tray/basket


Having a _______ in reach while bathing will help to avoid tripping over objects on the floor or losing your balance to reach for shampoo, soap, etc.

shower caddy/basket


Avoid storing objects or furniture near these, especially in the winter, to reduce risk of fire

radiators or floor heating vents


Installing a lock on your door with what feature can allow for speedy assistance during a medical emergency or fall?

A lock that can be opened with a key/remote from the outside.


Name at least one action to maintain your health and strength that may help reduce your falls risk.

Eating healthy, exercising, and taking prescribed medications regularly.


Doing what action while cooking is very unsafe, and can often occur if you get distracted by a TV show, phone call, or a visitor?

leaving food cooking on the stove or in the oven unattended


Having this feature in your bathroom will make showering while seated much easier and help you conserve energy.

handheld shower head


Keeping ______ sturdy and textured inside and outside of the house could decrease the risk of a fall, especially during icy or wet weather.



Installing one of these, such as Slomin's Shield or ADT, will give you the piece of mind of knowing that your home is under 24 hour surveillance.

 home security system