A mixture
Holiday Traditions
Holiday favorites

Who still earns between $400,000 and $600,000 every year in royalties for the song "Wonderful Christmastime."

Who is Paul McCartney?


A spirited mixed drink popular at holiday parties containing butter and various spices.

What is Hot Buttered Rum?


Beginning on December 26, some people abstain from eating meat or fast until this holiday feast.

What is Kwanzaa?


The questions, answers and other information used in Home Telehealth are derived from routine clinical practice meant to replicate aspects of face-to-face assessments.

What are Disease Management Protocols (DMPs)?


Each Thanksgiving, 20 to 30 percent of all U.S. households serve this side dish.

What is green bean casserole?


In 1974 Sammy Davis Jr asked the question:  

Who can take a rainbow
Wrap it in a sigh
Soak it in the sun and make a groovy lemon pie

Who is The Candy Man?


Should a need arise, employees can be granted up to 1 hour of excused absence for no-cost counseling sessions, up to a maximum of 8 total hours per leave year for use of this VA program.

What is Employee Assistance Program? for more info


The number of candles on a Menorah for Hanukkah celebrations that occur after sundown song and prayer.

What are 9 candles?


The supplying organization for all Home Telehealth technologies providing distribution and contracting support to Connected Care/Telehealth Services?

What is Denver Logistics Center (Or the DLC)?


George Washington had his own recipe for a traditional spirited concoction.

What is eggnog?


The lyric from this song title "follow me in a merry measure" means to "join me in dance."  

What is Deck the Halls


The Honorable Denis Richard McDonough

Who is the Secretary of the Veterans Affairs


Packing a punch of nutrition, this powerful duo is traditionally served on New Years Day.

What are Collard Greens and Black-Eyed Peas?


As part of a comprehensive assessment, they determine the appropriate type of Home Telehealth technologies, based on specific patient need.

Who are the Care Coordinators?


This woman lights one of these on a table decorated with the symbols of Kwanzaa.

What are Kinara Candles?


During World War I, there was a Christmas Truce, in which the French, English, and German troops sang this song.

What is Silent Night


During this popular 1990's television series, the "airing of grievances" and a unadorned pole is displayed in Frank Costanza's home, celebrated December 23rd.

What is Seinfeld?

Holiday:  Festivus


Christmas in the 19th century, it was traditional for English nobles to feed poor carolers with a slice of this.

What is figgy pudding or fruitcake


This HT Level Patient can go 7-14 days without Home Telehealth intervention, has resources that are accessible and a support system to assist.

What is Level 3 (Low Priority)

The Spanish tradition of eating this many grapes as bells ring at the start of a new year goes back to 1909 and signifies good luck. 

What are 12 grapes?


Recorded in 1967, this artist sang about a diamond ring for Christmas and said "I feel like I'm in paradise"

Who is Otis Redding?

Song: Merry Christmas, Baby


A “speak up” organizational culture encourages raising issues without fear of reprisal is a part of this training.

What is Whistleblower Protection?


What culture does La Befana- The Christmas Witch bring cinders to the naughty children but gifts to the good children?

What is Italian?


The Teledactyl was envisioned by publisher Gernsback in 1925 making this a future prediction.

What is Telehealth or Telemedicine?


What holiday favorite is traced back to 1670 and it's shape represents a Sheppard's staff?

What is the candy cane?