What are some of the most common causes of homelessness?
Lack of money, mental health issues, drugs, natural disasters
Explain what "host-family housing" means
People/families who open their home for a young person at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
Name one natural disaster that can cause homelessness.
Hurricanes, wildfires, or earthquakes
Where do many homeless people sleep?
On the streets, in shelters, or in temporary housing.
True or False: All homeless people live on the streets.
False. Many live in cars, shelters, or with friends.
Which gender is overrepresented among homeless people in the USA?
Name one reason mentioned in the documentary that caused young people to become homeless?
Family conflict, financial struggles, family death or abuse.
How can job loss lead to homelessness?
Without income, individuals may not be able to afford rent.
Name a challenge of sleeping outdoors as a homeless person?
Cold weather, safety concerns or lack of privacy.
True or False: Homelessness can be caused by sudden events, like losing a job.
True. Many people become homeless due to unexpected financial difficulties.
What is a "shelter"?
A temporary place where homeless people can find food, shelter, and support.
Explain what "hidden homeless" means
Sofa surfers; Homeless people who sleep at friends or families houses
Why is addiction considered a significant cause of homelessness?
Addiction can lead to job loss, broken relationships, and/or financial instability.
How does being homeless impact mental health?
It increases stress, anxiety, depression, and risk of trauma.
There are programs in the USA that provide assistance to homeless people, such as shelters and food banks.
True or false: Homeless individuals always stay around the same area.
False. Many homeless individuals move around frequently.
How do the homeless young people in the documentary spend their days?
Searching for food, finding shelter, begging for money and trying to survive.
Why does the lack of affordable healthcare (in US) lead to homelessness?
People may lose their homes while paying for medical bills.
Name a helping program for the homeless in America
Volunteers of America, Salvation Army, 211.org, The federal housing assistance, Heart, Healthcare for the homeless, Community of care (COC), etc.
A person’s mental health can worsen due to being homeless.
True. The stress of homelessness can lead to or worsen mental health issues.
Name a reason why finding a job is hard for many homeless people?
Lack of an address, mental health issues, transportation, health issues.
What are the names of the 4 homeless young people we meet in the documentary?
Josh, Cat, Shelby and Millie
Do a little explanation about how mental health problems can lead to homelessness.
What does a helping program do for homeless people?
Shelter, food, healthcare, jobs, etc.
Natural disasters are rarely a cause of homelessness.
False. Disasters like hurricanes and wildfires displace many people each year.