Feedback loops
Mechanism of hormone action

Give an example of an effector and describe its role in the feedback loop

a muscle or a gland that brings about change to return a system to a set point


the maintenance of a constant state



The mechanism of action of the hormones adrenaline and glucagon

cyclic AMP second messenger system


a regulating chemical produced and secreted by an endocrine gland and carried in the blood to the cells, tissues, or organs on which it acts

What is a hormone?


What is negative feedback?

information fed back turns the system off


maintaining the chemical make-up, volume and features of blood and tissue fluid within ______ ______

what are normal ranges


adrenaline binds to the ___________ receptor on the cell surface membrane of a liver cell. Binding actives a membrane protein called ______________.

adrenaline binds to the complementary receptor on the cell surface membrane of a liver cell. Binding actives a membrane protein called G Protein.


State two hormones

testosterone, estrogen, insulin etc.

What is the set point?

the desired level at which a system operates


This occurs when deviation from a set point causes changes that result in even greater deviation from the normal. Give an example.

positive feedback

ex: neurons, when a stimulus causes a small influx of sodium ions the permeability of the neuron to sodium increases causing even more rapid entry of ions


The G Protein activates another membrane protein an __________ called adenylate cyclase. This converts ______ to cyclic AMP (2nd messenger) which binds to and activates a _____ protein.

This actives another membrane protein, an enzyme called adenylate cyclase. This converts ATP to cyclic AMP (2nd messenger) which binds to and activates a kinase protein.


Where are hormones produced?

endocrine glands


What monitors the set point?

Receptors- detect internal and external stimuli which indicate deviation from the set point


What can cause dehydration?

drinking too little water

sweating a lot

eating large amounts of salt


There follows an enzyme _______ where enzymes are activated by ___________. This amplifies the signal as one enzyme can catalyze the ___________ of many enzymes.

There follows an enzyme cascade where enzymes are activated by phosphorylation. This amplifies the signal as one enzyme can catalyze the phosphorylation of many enzymes.


Where do hormones act

target cells


What is the role of central control in homeostasis?

coordinates information from various soures and sends instructions for a response


Name two glands

pancreas, pituitary, adrenal, gonads


The last enzyme catalyses the breakdown of _______ to glucose.

  The last enzyme catalyses the breakdown of glycogen to glucose.


Describe a feature of hormones

effective in relatively small amounts

often have widespread and permanent effects

transported through the blood

relatively small molecules