Ad - advertisement/commercial
Add- join, combine
Band - a ring, something that binds
Band - a group
Banned - prohibited, not allowed
Cell - compartment, science
Sell - vend, to give an item in exchange for money
Days - plural of day
Daze - stun, airy, ditzy
Eye - sight organ
I - first person personal pronoun
Ate - past tense of eat
eight - the number 8
Bare - uncovered, naked
Bear - support, yield
Cent - money
Scent - an odour
Sent - past tense of send
Dear - darling, the start of a letter
Facts - true things
Fax - a document transmitted via telephone
Aisle - a passage (like in a supermarket)
I'll - contraction of I will
Isle - Island
Beat - exhausted
Beat - to strike, to win, to overcome
Beet - beetroot - a plant/vegetable
Chews - gnaws with teeth, eats
Choose - to select
Die - cease to exist
Dye - colour
Fair - equal
Fare - price
Accept - agree to, take in
Bases - starting points
Bases - a sports game (like baseball)
Basis - a basic principle
Cereal - breakfast food
Dual - double
Duel - battle
Faze - impact
Phase - stage
Altar - table in a church
Alter - to change
Blew - past tense of blow
Blue - the colour
Ceiling - top of a room
Sealing - setting, fastening, securing
Desert - to abandon
Dessert - after dinner treat
Foreword - introduction to a book
Forward - advancing