Homophones #1
Homophones #2
A Clue for Two
The father had a long career flying passenger jets, but his _____ (son, sun), Kevion, wanted to become a lawyer.
What is son (s-o-n)
After her first week of college, Jordan exclaimed, "The _____ (wait, weight) of my backpack is killing me and I wish I didn't have so many books to carry!"
What is weight (w-e-i-g-h-t)
a couple AND a fruit that grows on a tree
What is pair and pear
Mrs. Dillard put her sweater on because the classroom was quite chilly. Which word is a synonym for chilly: cool or toasty?
What is cool
Ms. Walston always keeps her house neat and tidy, with everything in its place. Which word is an antonym for neat: spotless, orderly, messy?
What is messy
During the summer, Catherine, Brooke and _____ (eye, I) went on a camping trip in the Appalachians.
What is I ("I")
Jabari started winning more chess games after he began making _____ (bolder, boulder) moves.
What is bolder (b-o-l-d-e-r)
to detect things with your eyes AND a place where dolphins, sharks and whales live
What is see and sea
The stray cat was very skinny because it had not eaten. Which word has almost the same meaning as "skinny" in the sentence: tall, run or thin?
What is thin
You should always complete your homework to build good work habits. Which word is an antonym for always: usually, never, sometimes?
What is never
Mrs. Yoakam told the students, "two wrongs don't make a _____ (right, write)."
What is right (r-i-g-h-t)
When preparing for his trip to Italy, Rahn told Nyasia Fitts, "If you _____ (know, no) how to pack your bags right, you will have an easier time at the airport."
What is know (k-n-o-w)
60 minutes AND belonging to us
What is hour and our
The students began to argue over who would be first in line. The underlined word most nearly means laugh, joke, squabble.
What is squabble
The test was easy for the students who studied each night. Which word is an antonym for easy: fun, difficult, long?
What is difficult
The guide told David and Antonio not to go too far into the forest, or they may come face-to-face with a _____ (bare, bear).
What is bear (b-e-a-r)
As they were on their way to class, Neyahni told Ahleayah, "If you don't want your laptop computer to ______ (brake, break), then carry it carefully and treat it with care."
What is break (b-r-e-a-k)
a time of day when you're sleeping AND someone that protects a king
What is night and knight
The firefighter showed great courage when he went into the burning home to save the owner's pet. Which word is a synonym for courage: think, bravery, lost?
What is bravery
He was not afraid to pet the gentle dog, even though it was very large. Which word is an antonym for gentle: kind, ferocious, calm?
What is ferocious
"Chocolate is fine, but we prefer the fruit-flavored ice creams like very _____ (berry, bury)", said Camille and Jaclyn.
What is berry (b-e-r-r-y)
Jordyn and Nyasia Johnson both ordered the smaller computer because they _____ (new, knew) it would be delivered sooner.
What is knew (k-n-e-w)
dog's feet AND to stop, halt, or freeze
What is paws and pause
Grandma's tasty cookies were sold out at the bake sale. Which word is a synonym for tasty: crunchy, soft, delicious?
What is delicious
The children were extremely tired by the end of their soccer game. Which word is an antonym for tired: energetic, sleepy, sad?
What is energetic