What 2 things are Hong Kongese most known for?
hard work and food
Why can’t people fish anymore in Hong Kong Harbor?
The water is too polluted
How do Hong Kongese cooks prefer their food?
What continent is Hong Kong part of?
How long did Britain lease Hong Kong?
99 years (1898-1997)
What important Chinese religion came from India?
What is a duty-free port?
a tax-free place for buying and selling
What is Hong Kong’s most important celebration?
Chinese New Year (Spring Festival in Jan.-Feb.)
What is the land in the New Territories used for?
What did the British force the Chinese to trade in the 1800s?
the drug opium
What 2 things most attract tourists to Hong Kong?
the shopping and the food
Name 3 ways Hong Kong is similar to Sydney, Australia
seaport city, millions of people, in Eastern Hemisphere
What Hong Kong celebration tries to make ghosts happy with food?
Bun Festival
What large body of water is immediately south of Hong Kong?
the South China Sea
Why did Britain not renew their Hong Kong lease?
China wanted the colony back
What does a feng shui man do?
He's a fortune teller, talking about luck
Name 3 ways Hong Kong is different from Sydney, Australia
Compact vs spread-out; Chinese vs British origins, hard workers vs sports-loving
What are 3 main aspects of Chinese opera?
stories of ancient China, colorful costumes, music
What city is on the peninsula north across from HK Island?
Who is the most important person in Chinese history?
Name 1 of the 3 major religions in Hong Kong
Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism
What are 3 of the 4 ways Hong Kongese find more places to live?
add land, dig out mountains, live on boats, replace old buildings
What is the name of the Chinese tile gambling game?
What was the capital city of Britain’s Hong Kong colony?
What made Hong Kong unsafe during WW2 (1940s)?
Japan bombed and invaded