Genetics Basics & Miscellany
Genes & Chromosomes
Complex Genetics
Practice Problems

This is the type of plant Mendel worked with in his studies of inheritance.

What are peas?


This is the appearance of an organism.

What is a phenotype?


Credited with being the "Father of Genetics", this scientist studied how traits are inherited.

Who is Gregor Mendel?


A trait that masks another trait is called this.

What is dominant?


Two cats with black fur and normal vision mate and produce 5 kittens. Three of the kittens have black fur and normal vision, one has white fur and normal vision, and another has black fur and has an inherited blindness called PRA. We can conclude that:

a. the same alleles that control fur color also cause PRA

b. the alleles for fur color and vision segregate independently during gamete formation

c. both the parents are homozygous for both traits

What is b?


About 69% of the world's freshwater (non-salt water) is found in these structures. 

What are glaciers/ice sheets?


This diagram can be used to predict the outcome of genetic crosses.

What is a Punnett square?


These are the usual sex chromosomes of a human female and a human male.

What are XX and XY, respectively?


These are the possible phenotypes of a child whose mom is heterozygous for her type A blood and whose dad is heterozygous for his type B blood.

What are A, B, AB, and O?


Assuming the probability of having a female child is 50% and of having a male is 50%, this is the probability that a couple's first-born child will be male and second-born child will be female.

What is 1/4 (25%)?


The deadliest animal in the world is this one, which carries malaria.

What is the mosquito?


The term for the alleles that an organism inherits from its parents.

What is genotype?


A test cross is used to determine the genotype of an individual whose phenotype expresses the dominant trait. This is the genotype of the organism used for this cross.

What is homozygous recessive?


This is why sex-linked, recessive traits are seen more often in males.

What is ... because they need only one copy of the allele to get the trait?

Thomas's parents are of standard height but he has inherited dwarfism, a recessive trait carried by the allele "h". The allele for standard height is H. These are likely Thomas's parents' genotypes.

What are Hh and Hh?


25% of the bones in your body are found here. 

What are your feet?


In a pedigree, a shaded square indicates this.

What is a male who has the trait?


This law notes that factors for individual characteristics are distributed to gametes independently of one another.

What is the Law of Independent Assortment?


A person is heterozygous for a genetic disorder and suffers a mild version of that disorder. This indicates that the disorder must be inherited through this pattern.

What is incomplete dominance? (codominance acceptable)


Most people afflicted with recessive disorders are born to parents who were

a. slightly affected by the disorder, showing some but not all symptoms

b. both affected by the disorder

c. not affected by the disorder

 What is c?


If a heterozygous organism crosses with a homozygous recessive plant, this is the genotypic ratio.

What is 1:1?


When heterozygous individuals and homozygous dominant individuals are indistinguishable in phenotype, this is the inheritance pattern.

What is (complete) dominance?


This law states that a pair of factors is separated during the formation of gametes

What is the Law of Segregation?


The situation in which a single phenotype is determined by the effects of two or more genes is called this.

What is polygenic inheritance?


A dihybrid cross is performed (RrYy x RrYy, for example) to prove that independent assortment occurs. This is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring.

What is 9:3:3:1?