Evidence, Inference, Qualitative, Quantitative
Other Stuff
Domains & Kingdoms
The Brain
Experimental Design

This type of observation is a conclusion about the situation.

What are inferences?


Humans have a long childhood for two particular purposes... which are?

What is language and complex culture?

The most broad classification of organisms.

What is a domain?


This hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body.

What is the left hemisphere?


Sammy wanted to see which hand sanitizer killed off the most bacteria.  She set up 4 petri dishes.  In petri dish A, she added bacteria, but no hand sanitizer.  In petri dish B, she added bacteria and hand sanitizer B.  In petri dish C, she added bacteria and hand sanitizer C.  In the petri dish D, she added bacteria and hand sanitizer D.  What was her independent variable?

What was the type of hand sanitizer


You can tell the children are happy to play outside because of their smiles. Is this an inference or evidence?

What is inference?


Compared to other animal brains, humans have more fissures.  Why?

What is "Humans needed more surface area for better thinking/processing?"


The kingdom with the following characteristics is known as...

-macroscopic, contains chlorophyll, eukaryotic, and moves through seed dispersal and growth

What is Kingdom Plantae?


This part of the brain is responsible for sensory perception and integration, including management of the senses (taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight).

What is the parietal lobe?


Sammy wanted to see which hand sanitizer killed off the most bacteria.  She set up 4 petri dishes.  In petri dish A, she added bacteria, but no hand sanitizer.  In petri dish B, she added bacteria and hand sanitizer B.  In petri dish C, she added bacteria and hand sanitizer C.  In the petri dish D, she added bacteria and hand sanitizer D.  What was her control group?

What is petri dish A?


Observations below are qualitative or quantitative?

-The temperature outside is 98 degrees.

-The beaker is holding 50 mL of liquid.

What is quantitative?


We learned 6 ways that humans are unique compared to other animals/organisms.  Name 2.

What are:

1. Walking Upright

2. Brain Complexity

3. Language & Symbols

4. Tools

5. Social Life

6. Body Structure


This domain with the following characteristics is...

-microscopic, prokaryotic, most abundant of all organisms, and heterotrophic

What is Domain Bacteria?


A prediction about the outcome of an experiment is called a?

What is a hypothesis?


The dog is angry is: evidence or inference?

What is an inference?


Humans think differently than chimpanzees and other animals.  Name at least one way our thinking is different.

What is:

-Humans can simulate experiences without experiencing them

-Humans can think beyond themselves 

-Humans can imagine the past or future

This terms means "false cell".
What is prokaryotic?

In an experiment, there are certain aspects that are kept the same for all the groups.  These aspects are called what?

What are constants or controlled variables?


John looked at the clock 8 times, sighed 5 times, and changed his sitting position 2 times.  These observations are qualitative or quantitative?

What is quantitative?


A person is in a skiing accident.  Afterwards, the two hemispheres of their brain are unable to communicate effectively.  What structure was damaged?

What is the corpus callosum?


This kingdom are extremophiles.

What is Kingdom Archaebacteria?


This part of the brain helps control vital processes like your heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure.

What is the brain stem?


The steps in an experimental procedure need to be as detailed as possible.  Why?

What is "Other scientists should be able to replicate the experiment and data?"