Short Stories/Poems
Things Fall Apart
Cry, the Beloved Country
A Tale of Two Cities
Anything Goes & Author Information

This sentence uses Parallel structure correctly. (True/False). 

hen people ask about my hobbies, I say that I like to travel, reading, and gardening.



The main character in "Civil Peace" buried his _______ to protect it from being stolen.



What do yams represent?

Masculinity and strength; a man's ability to provide for his family


When was the novel published?



Where is Tartuffe set throughout the whole play?

Orgon's house


How long was Dr. Manette in prison?

18 yrs


Who is the author of "Civil Peace"?

Chinua Achebe


Which novel/play is this quote from? Who said it? 

“The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart.”

Things Fall Apart



This is a correct example of comparison (True/False). 

Men can grill chicken as easily as women can.



What is the historical context of "Civil Peace"?

Takes place right after the Nigerian Civil War


The clan in Mbanta gave the missionaries a piece of land in the "Evil Forest" to build a church, why?

The villagers assumed the missionaries would die due to the evil spirits


Which American president was Arthur Jarvis a fan of?

Abraham Lincoln


Besides Orgon, who is the only other person who thinks Tartuffe is wonderful?

Madame Pernelle


What animal is Sydney Carton described as? Why?

A jackal 

Jackals often help lions kill their prey---just like how Carton helps Stryver with his court cases.


Who is the author of "White Man's Burden"?

Rudyard Kipling


Which novel/play is this quote from? Who said it? 

"If you're still troubled, think of things this way:
No one shall know our joys, save us alone,
And there's no evil till the act is known;
It's scandal, Madam, which makes it an offense,
And it's no sin to sin in confidence."




What word is being modified by "mesmerizing" in the sentence below? 

The mesmerizing painting caught the attention of everyone who passed by it.



What is a theme present in "The Second Coming"?

Destruction/Apocalypse/ Chaos/Uncertainty/Impending Doom 

A battle between progression and tradition


Okonkwo's life has been "dominated by fear," fear of what?

Weakness and Failure


What were Arthur Jarvis' last written words?

"Allow me a minute"


hat are is the primary theme of Tartuffe?



What is Miss Pross' brother's real name? What is his alias?

Solomon/John Barsad


Who is the author of "The Second Coming"?

William Butler Yeats 


Which novel/play is this quote from? Who said it? 

“A man who calls his kinsmen to a feast does not do so to save them from starving. They all have food in their own homes. When we gather together in the moonlit village ground it is not because of the moon. Every man can see it in his own compound. We come together because it is good for kinsmen to do so.”

Things Fall Apart



This sentence uses Parallelism correctly. (True/False) . 

Mickey is the cutest boy not only in the class, but also in the school.



What does Jonathan, from "Civil Peace," mean by "Nothing Puzzles God"?

God is all-knowing, so everything works for His good in the end. He knows everything that is going to happen and that it will all be okay.


What abhorrent action did Enoch do?

Unmask an egwugwu


What does Absalom want to name his son? Why?


He is the founder of the church; Peter may be a rock of hope for the new generation.


Who does Mariane want to marry? Who is her father trying to make her marry?




Jerry Cruncher hates when his wife ______ because he thinks she is __________________.

praying, praying for his downfall (cursing him).


Who is the author of "Shooting an Elephant"? 

George Orwell 


Which novel/play is this quote from? Who said it? 

“’Unless you shave off the mark of your heathen belief I will not admit you into the church,’ said __________. ‘…The heathen speak nothing but falsehood. Only the word of our God is true.’”

Things Fall Apart

Mr. Kiaga 


This is a correct example of comparison. (True/False). 

It is so hard to learn the rules of grammar.



What are the two pieces of literature that inspired Things Fall Apart?

"The Second Coming" by W.B. Yeats

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad


What group wanted to be admitted to Mr. Kiaga's church? How did he react?

The "osu" the outcasts... he allowed them to join, which strengthened the faith of the other members who witnessed his grace.


Who else was on trial with Absalom?

Matthew Kumalo (John's son) and Johannes Pafuri


Who is Dorine to Mariane?

Her maid 


Who kills the Marquis in his home?



What does Marianne threaten to do if she must marry Tartuffe?

Join a convent.


Which play/novel is this quote from? Who said it? 

Oh, yes, she's strict, devout, and has no taint
Of worldliness; in short, she seems a saint.
But it was time which taught her that disguise;
She's thus because she can't be otherwise.
So long as her attractions could enthrall,
She flounced and flirted and enjoyed it all,
But now that they're no longer what they were
She quits a world which fast is quitting her,
And wears a veil of virtue to conceal
Her bankrupt beauty and her lost appeal."




What word is modifying "talking"? 

The students were talking loudly throughout class.



What is a theme of "The White Man's Burden"?



moral obligation


Describe Nwoye's conversion to Christianity. What was the selling point for him?

It proved that Ikemefuna did not have to die, neither did all of the twins. It brought him "a relief within"


Name at least two of the ways (there are 4 options) Jarvis helped Ndotsheni.

1. He sent milk regularly for the malnourished children

2. He sent an educated young man to help rebuild the agriculture of Ndotsheni

3. He financed the rebuilding of Stephen's church

4. He made plans to build a dam in the village


Who is Tartuffe interested in?



Summarize what Carton says when he approaches Lucie with his confession of love.

He loves her more than anything, but he knows that he is no good for her and would only drag her into his misery. However, he will love her forever and do anything he can to protect her and those she loves.


Who was the little boy who visited Kumalo in Ndotsheni?

Arthur Jarvis' son and James Jarvis' grandson


Explain this quote from Cry, the Beloved Country "Once such a thing is opened, it cannot be shut again."

You cannot forget or ignore the thing you have already acknowledged/read/seen.


Find the error in this sentence.

Brooks went to the grocery store to look for broccoli but ended up buying a lot of candy which is his favorite snack.

Brooks went to the grocery store to look for broccoli but ended up buying a lot of candy, which is his favorite snack.


What is a theme present in "Shooting an Elephant"?

Pride, colonialism, peer-pressure


What is the iyi-uwa?

the life-stone of an obanje (evil child). must be destroyed to stop the cycle of rebirth.


Why did Stephen Kumalo leave Ndotsheni?

To look for his sister Gertrude, who is sick according to a letter Stephen received


Where does Orgon hide when Elmire is trying to prove Tartuffe's poor character to him?

Under a table


Which character said "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known" ?

Sydney Carton


Why does Msimangu tell Stephen Kumalo that they should thank God that John Kumalo is corrupt?

His motives are so selfish (he has been corrupted by his "own voice") and he can only see the money, not the big picture; therefore, he cannot gain more power.


What is the idea after this quote, "Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of our fear"?

It is a lament telling the country to grieve because there is so much fear, disorder, and oppression in the nation that the natives will never experience true freedom.


Find the error in this sentence: 

The children were very entertained by the story of the prince slaying the dragon they held onto every word the reader spoke.

The children were very entertained by the story of the prince slaying the dragon; they held onto every word the reader spoke.


The children were very entertained by the story of the prince slaying the dragon. They held onto every word the reader spoke.


What is the cognitive dissonance present in "Shooting an Elephant"?

The authors hatred for his job and imperialism but also his hatred for the Burmese people.


Compare Mr. Brown and Mr. Smith. How would you describe each of them?

Mr. Brown = willing to listen to the native people, patient, accepting, peaceful, focused on converting as many as people

Mr. Smith = harsh towards the native people, very focused on the legalistic side of Christianity, forceful about implanting British ways of life, exclusive


Explain what happened when James Jarvis and Stephen Kumalo spoke.

At first, Jarvis does not realize it was Stephen's son who killed his own, but then, when he does, Jarvis takes a short walk and then comes back and says there is no anger in him. Then they discuss their grief.


What is Cleante's purpose throughout the play?

Provide a calming voice of reason


Describe the sequence of events that lead to Dr. Manette's imprisonment.

The Evremonde brothers called on him to help them save the life of young woman they raped and beat, as well as her younger brother who they stabbed when he tried to protect his sister. He then writes a letter report what he has seen, but this letter is discovered by the Marchioness, when she goes to Dr. Manette to ask him to help her find the little sister who escaped and for his discretion, who reports it to her husband. The twins destroy the letter and have Dr. Manette thrown into Bastille to keep him quiet.


Where did James Jarvis shake the hands of a black person for the first time?

At Arthur's funeral. 


Explain what Msimangu means by this quote...

"The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that they are not mended again."

Every community goes through division and personal struggles, but when they refuse to rebuild and come back together or attempt to mend their differences, everyone suffers.


What is wrong with the sentence? (Incorrect Position or Dangling Element). How would you fix it? 

After running away, Catherine finally found her dog at the park.

Dangling Element

After her dog ran away, Catherine was finally able to find him at the park. 


What was the main idea of the short story "Civil Peace"?

Resiliency/Optimism in the face of hardship.


What is the title of the book the District Commissioner wants to write?

The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger.


What does "the boy" represent in his attempt to learn Zulu?

That there may be hope for a better understanding between the white people and the natives in the next generation.


Tartuffe continually uses what tactics to trick people? (Think about his conversation between Orgon and Damis)

Reverse psychology


When Carton gives his final thoughts he imagines what?

Lucie and Charles living a long and happy life, them naming a child after him in honor of his remembrance,  the Dr. finding peace and enjoying his final years with his family, little Lucie finding a wonderful husband and being happy.


How was John and Stephen's relationship?

They loved each other as brothers but differed so much in morals and beliefs that it was hard for them to interact completely peacefully


Who says this quote? What does it mean? 

"I am moved by something that is not my own, that moves me to do what is right, at whatever the cost may be.”

Arthur Jarvis

His own upbringing did not prepare him for the harsh reality of life.