Endings of the 4th declension m/f
us us
us uum
ui ibus
um us
u ibus
1st person singular perfect ind. pass. (M.)
lūdō, lūdere, lūsī, lūsum – to play
lūsus sum
Lēgēs hūmānae tum dīvīnae fūrtum pūnīre solent.
Which of the following words maintains both Neuter Rules?
Hic, haec, hoc
ille, illa, illud
qui, quae, quod
quis, quid
ille, illa, illud
Who was the first player to hit four home runs in one game?
Lou Gehrig
Endings for the 5th declension
es es
ei erum
ei ebus
em es
e ebus
2nd person plural pluperfect ind. pass. (F.)
mūtō, mūtāre, mūtāvī, mūtātum – to change
mutatae eratis
Ego quoque fūrtum facere cupīvī et fēcī
I also desired to do theft and did it.
Which of the following words is an i-stem?
passer, passeris, m
caput, capitis, n.
pater, patris, m.
exemplar, exemplaris, n.
exemplar, exemplaris, n.
Which player holds the record for most MVP awards?
Barry Bonds
Dative singular of uxor culta
uxori cultae
3rd person singular futureperfect ind. pass. (N.)
pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī, pūnītum – to punish
punitum erit
Omnēs enim in domibus nostrīs bonīs cibīs abundābāmus.
For we all were abounding with good foods in our houses.
Plupperfect passive verbs must use what tense of what verb as their 2nd part?
Imperfect of sum, esse, fui, --
What year was the first Major League Baseball game played?
Accusative plural of pomum ereptum
poma erepta
1st person plural perfect ind. pass. (M.)
vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, vīctum – to live
victi sumus
Sī rēs hominibus ā mē datae erunt, illās rēs posteā recipiam.
If things will have been given by me to men, I will afterward receive those things.
The translation of
urbs iam ab hostibus devestata erat
The city had already been devastated by the enemies
Who is the Twins' all-time franchise leader in grand slams?
Harmon Killebrew
carnium coctarum
3rd person plural future-perfect ind. act.
tollō, tollere, sustulī, sublātum – to lift up, raise; destroy
Semper discessūra nihil tibi dedī.
Always about to leave, I gave nothing to you.
The translation of the following sentence:
Catullus putavit se puellam amavisse et a puella amatum esse debere
Catullus thought that he ought to have loved the girl and been loved by the girl.
Who holds the record for most consecutive stolen bases without getting caught?
Vince Coleman