Circular Motion
Rotational Dynamics
This is how I find the speed of an object
What is distance / time?
This is the force responsible for pulling the projectile back down
What is gravity?
This is an object's resistance to changing it's motion
What is inertia? (mass will also be accepted)
This is the name of the force pointing towards the center of rotation
What is centripetal force?
This is the analogous measurement for force when using a rotating system
What is torque?
This is what acceleration tells you
What is change in velocity over time?
This is the equation used for the range of the projectile once the amount of time is known
What is d = v_x t?
An object in motion stays in the same motion unless
What is the act of an unbalanced force?
This is the unit of measurement for angular velocity
What is radians per second? inverse seconds is also acceptable
This is the point at which the vertical velocity is 0
What is the peak of the trajectory?
This is how you can calculate the acceleration of an object when given the force and mass
What is Newton's second law? Alternatively, give formula
This is the size of the centripetal force on a 5kg object rotating around a 2m radius circle at a speed of 10 m/s
What is 250N?
This is the analogy to mass in a rotating system and depends on where the mass is distributed
What is the moment of inertia?
This is the acceleration of a car that changes from 20 m/s to the right to 10 m/s to the left in a time of 6 seconds.
What is 5 m/s^2 ?
This is the equation used to calculate the amount of time in the air
What is y = y_i + v_yi t + (1/2) g t^2 ? or What is v_yi - (1/2) g t = 0? or a variant of
This is how the universal law of gravitation is affected by the mass of the objects
What is proportional to each mass?
This is how I solve a satellite's orbit
What is setting centripetal force = to gravitational force?
If the radius vector points to the right and the force vector points down, this is the direction of the torque vector
What is into the board?
This is how long it will take an object to fall 80m
What is 4 seconds?
This is how far a projectile launched at 10 m/s at a 45 degree angle will go.
What is 9.9 m?
This is how Newton's universal law of gravitation is affected by the distance between the objects
What is inverse square?
This is how fast a satellite would travel in a circular orbit at nearly the radius of the earth
What is approximately 8000 m/s
The radius vector points upward and is 2 meters long. The velocity vector points left and is 5 m/s. This is the size and direction of the angular momentum vector
What is 10kg/s out of the board?