The Great Depression
Riots and Strikes


1 in 4 American s are unemployed. No job = no money


What is one reason that people were moving to the northeastern US cities? 

Escape the Jim Crow South

Manufacturing jobs


West was closing


What was the spoils system? What was its flaw?

Giving government jobs to friends or supporters. People put in those positions are often not qualified which hurts everyone due to poor job performance.


What were labor unions such as the KOL and AFL trying to accomplish? 

Better conditions- especially for women and minorities. Wanted to end child labor and make fair working wages and hours.


What is a command economy? 

Government controls decisions revolving around the economy



Market flooded with too much of a product, so the price and value drop. Factories can't afford to pay workers, lay them off; workers can't afford to buy more goods. Factories close.

Farms produce too may crops. Crop prices drop. Farmers can't pay for their farm, the bank repossesses it.


Rapid growth in cities caused many problems, name one. 


Filth and disease

Overcrowding and poor housing


As a progressive president, what type of reform did he support? 

Conservation, breaking up trusts/monopolies, regulating big business, consumer protection (Pure food and drug act), railroad regulation (ICC), supported labor unions


Haymarket Riot

Anarchists blamed for protest turned riot, executed.

workers fired, anti-labor feelings grow across the U.S


What is a market economy?

Supply and demand are the basis for economic decisions. Minimal government intervention.


How did the Great Depression affect the average American?

Loss of homes, loss of jobs, no food, leave family to look for work, Hoovervilles, birth rates down, Dust Bowl (farmers)


What led to the economic boom of the 1920s? 

Advertising, buying stocks on margin, installment buying of new products


What was the New Deal, what president created it? 

FDR's plan for recovery - numerous agencies created to help produce jobs and get America back on their feet.


Homestead Strike

Steel workers go on strike, strikebreakers are hired to replace them

Escalates to "warfare" between Pinkerton's and striking workers 

Workers blacklisted (fired)


What is a mixed economy? 

A combination of a command and market economy that integrate the two with varying degrees of involvement. 


Stock Market Crash

People buying stocks on margin, no money to back the value. Then everyone starts to sell stocks in August of 1929, stock market crashes two months later.


Who wasn’t feeling the economic boom of the 1920’s?

Farmers, minorities, factory workers


As a president, what types of reforms did Woodrow Wilson support? 

Business and banking - Stock market regulations and banking regulations (Federal Reserve)


Pullman Strike

Railroad car workers go on. Strike due to decrease in wages, but company rent remaining the same 

Pullman uses the Sherman-Anti Trust act agains the workers, preventing a strike 

Nothing changes in favor of workers


What is a traditional economy

Economic decisions are based upon what has always been done. Less open to change. 


Bank Failure

Loans not repaid, cash withdrawals take out all of the money, banks close


What new product (or idea) led to a boom in industries surrounding the automobile? Who created this idea?

The moving assembly line- Henry Ford


Describe Herbert Hoover’s policy of rugged individualism. 

Hoover believed it was not the role of the federal government to bail out businesses or the people during economic hard times. This is in reference to his belief in laissez faire economics. He believed the people should help themselves - pull themselves up by their bootstraps mentality - do better for yourself, work harder and you will find a way out of the depression.. This belief led the U.S. to fall deeper into the Depression and it cost Hoover the support of many Americans that cost him reelection.


Triangle Shirtwaiste Factory Fire

Horrible tragedy of clothing factory workers and their deaths lead to new labor and building safety laws across Americ


What was the impact of the transcontinental railroad? 

Moved people and commerce West, also created more jobs to build and conduct the railroad.