The following floura that is not safe to consume as humans
Rhubarb leaves, catnip, banana peels, carrot tops, violets
Rhubarb leaves
"Tis but a flesh wound"
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The name of the largest park in Seattle
Discovery park
The actor who voiced Bumblebee in the 2018 movie "Bumblebee"
Dylan O'Brien
A transformer and a streaming service
Optimus Prime Video
Instead of bones a shark's skeleton is made of this material
"...and the other thing is my sister had a baby, and I took it over because she passed away and then the baby lost its legs and its arms and now it is nothing but a stub..."
Shark Tale
This is the name of Seattle's first sky scraper
Smith Tower
This 2003 live action book-to-film movie was so bad that the book company banned all future adaptations
Mike Myers' Cat in the Hat
Euphemism for death and life goals
Kick the bucket list
The name of this produce
Goji Berry
"They give you no eagle powers, they give you no nutrients"
Nacho Libre
This is the year that Seattle hosted the World's Fair, which the Space Needle was built for
This is the language the famous 2003 song "Dragonsta Din Tei" is sung in
Final written project and flat figures for children to dress
Research paper dolls
This flavoring is the only edible product produced by an orchid
"Unemployed? In Greenland?"
The Princess Bride
This was the cause of the Great Seattle Fire in 1889
An overheated glue pot spilling in a shop
This is the year that the Swedish rock band "Ghost" debuted their first 3 songs onto MySpace
Store that sells all of your fragrant and cleansing needs and the love song that uses sailing as its main metaphor
Bed, bath, "Beyond the Sea"
Growing alongside redwoods is this "bay" tree, linked to triumph by the ancients & used by the Pomo people for medicinal purposes
A laurel
This iconic 3-word phrase was the protagonist’s second line of dialogue in a 1962 movie, the first in a 25-film series
Bond. James Bond
The name (shared with a state) Seattle township was originally known by in 1851
New York
This is the name of the movie a Japanese animation studio made for Daft Punk's 2001 album "Discovery"
Interstella5555 (the 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem)
The epigram "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" and Zendaya's personal stylist
Murphy's Law Roach