Words of Wisdom
Fish Parts & Stuff
All them Rules!
I'd Rather Be Fishing...
What's That Fish?
Fish or Cut ________
What is Bait?
Fish breathe with this organ?
What are Gills?
At 16 years of age, a youth must purchase one of these in order to fish.
What is a fishing license?
In Maine, Open water fishing typically begins on _____.
What is April 1st?
Native to cold water lakes and streams in Maine, this fish is noted for its dark wavy worm-like line on its back, and white leading edges and reddish-pink on their fins including the tail.
What is a Brook Trout.
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the ______.
What is the Office?
The dorsal fins on a fish help keep it ______.
What is Upright or balanced?
Every boat should have one of these for each passenger on board.
What is a life jacket?
Maine state law defines a _______ as any person who receives any form of remuneration for his services in accompanying or assisting any person in the fields, forests or on the waters or ice within the jurisdiction of the State while hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, snowmobiling or camping at a primitive camping area.
What is a Guide?
This fish is noted for being dark olive green with light green sides shading to a white belly. A dark mottled band extends along the sides. The upper part of the mouth extends past the eye.
What is a Largemouth Bass.
Good things come to those who _____
What is Bait?
A caudal fin helps a fish _____ and controls its _____.
What is Move and Speed?
In Maine, this type of law is defined as the laws and rules that govern fishing in all water bodies unless there are more specific regulations listed.
What is General Law?
Plastic worms, crankbaits, spinnerbaits and jigs are types of ____ and are very useful for catching fish when live bait is not available.
What are fishing lures.
Closely resembling a bass and sunfish species, which have 10-12 dorsal fin spines, this fish has 6-8 dorsal fin spines. Body form is very deep and narrow (laterally compressed). Coloration is silvery-olive to golden with an irregular mosaic of dark black blotches.
What is a Black Crappie?
I only fish on days that end in ______
What is "Y"?
Theses fins are located on the side of a fish's body and help it remain in place or dive.
What are Pectoral fins.
In Maine it is now unlawful to sell, offer for sale or use this type of sinker that weighs one ounce or less or measures 2.5 inches or less.
What is Lead Sinker.
A back-boned, cold blooded animal adapted for life in the water with limbs modified as fins, and obtaining oxygen from the water by gills throughout life is known as a ______.
What is a fish?
A member of the pike family, this fish is green with the sides prominently marked by yellow-green areas broken by dark, interconnecting lines resembling the links of a chain. The jaws are elongated containing large, sharp teeth; the large dorsal fin is located way back towards the caudal fin which is forked.
What is a Chain Pickerel or Pickerel?
Born to Fish…
What is Forced to Work?
Many fish have a ___________ that allows them to suspend themselves in the water and not sink.
What is a swim or gas bladder?
In Maine, the practice of depositing any meat bones, dead fish or other food material in inland water for the purpose of luring fish is unlawful. This practice is known as?
What is Advance Baiting or Chumming?
Immediately following a _____ front, bass typically move to shallow water and become especially aggressive. This is one of the best times to fish.
What is Cold?
Usually coloration is light brown or tawny with pronounced black spots on the back, sides, and head. Spots are often surrounded with reddish halo, along with reddish spots on the sides.
What is a Brown Trout?