Author's Craft
Construction Site
Mullet Fingers

How does the author show the reader that the person who broke into the trailer is not Roy?

The author describes the boy as large and lumpy making the reader realize that it is Dana.


How did Officer Delinko know that Dana could not have been the one who put the gators at the construction site?

Dana is afraid when Officer Delinko tosses a fake alligator at him.


Why does Roy let Beatrice sleep at his house without telling his parents?

He feels bad for her since she has to live with terrible parents. 


What did Mullet Fingers do to protest at the end?

He went inside an owl hole and stuck his head out. He also brought "snakes" in a bucket and attached them to string in his mouth. 


What happens to Mother Paula's pancake house?

The news exposes them for building without an EIS and they are not able to start construction. 


How does the author show the reader that Chuck Muckle is a rude person. 

The dialogue the author includes about what Chuck Muckle says shows that he is a rude person.


Who does Curly think vandalized the property?



Why doesn’t Mullet Fingers want Roy and Beatrice to help him?

He doesn't want them to get in trouble. 


Where did Mullet Fingers go after the protest?

His mother took him home, but he later ran away and ended up in Juvenile Detention.


How does Roy feel about saving the owls at the end?

He's happy he saved them, but he feels like it is his dad who deserves the credit.

How does the author show that the news reporter is excited about the report that Roy gave her?

The author states that "Kelly Colfax looked like she won the lottery."


Why did seeing the bulldozers cause Officer Delinko to become worried about the owls?

He realizes that the owl burrows will be covered over and the owls will lose their home

He realizes it might be illegal to build over their homes.

He fears the bulldozers might harm the owls.


How does Mr. Eberhardt help Roy at the end of the book?

He found the missing report from the construction site. 


How did Mullet Fingers escape Juvenile Detention?

He brought Dana with him to sneak out. Since Dana was slower the cops caught him first and Mullet Fingers was able to run away. 


How does Roy's mother feel at the end of the story?

She is proud of Roy for standing up for what he believed in. 


How does the author show that Mullet Fingers is still around at the end of the book?

The author writes about Roy finding a Mullet fish in his shoe after he tried and failed to catch one on his own. 


The night before Mother Paula’s ground breaking ceremony, Officer Delinko saw “a series of white flashes” on the property. What were those flashes?

Mullet Fingers taking pictures

How does Roy feel about Coconut Cove at the end of the book?

He enjoys it and looks forward to catching a Mullet fish with his bare hands.


Where did Mullet fingers disappear to?

He is living on his own, but still in Coconut Cove


Where does Roy go at the end of the book?

Roy goes fishing to try and catch a Mullet with his bare hands. 


How does the author show that Officer Delinko wants to help save the owls?

The author reveals that Officer Delinko doesn't say anything about the snakes being fake. 

What persuaded Dana to stop beating up Roy and go to the construction site?

Roy told Dana that he could find cigarettes there.


How does Kimberly Lou Dixon show her support in saving the owls?

She joins with the children and holds hands with them.


Why did Lona want Mullet Fingers to come home all of the sudden?

She was hoping to use him to get on television.


What happened with Officer Delinko at the end of the book?

Officer Delinko finally got his promotion.