A Bit of Culture
That's So 90's
The Junk Drawer Of My Mind
I Used To Watch Animal Planet
Sports, Cars, and Dude Things
Geek City
Let's Go To The Movies

This prestigious award, named after a famous actor, is given annually to the best performances in theatre on Broadway.

What is the Tony Award?


This 90s sitcom featured a high school teacher named Mr. Feeny and his students, including Cory Matthews.

What is "Boy Meets World"?


This food item was originally invented as a way to prevent potato chip breakage during shipping.

What is Pringles?


This animal is known for its "laughing" sound, which is actually a form of communication.

What is a hyena?


This car, featured in the "Back to the Future" movies, is known for its gull-wing doors and time-travel capabilities.

What is the DeLorean DMC-12?


This iconic 1977 film opens with an "opening crawl" of text that was originally filmed using practical effects on a glass plate.

What is "Star Wars"?


The roars of the dinosaurs in this 1993 movie were created using a combination of animal sounds, including dogs, penguins, and elephants.

What is "Jurassic Park"?


This 2006 musical, created by Lin-Manuel Miranda, tells the story of Alexander Hamilton and became a groundbreaking hit on Broadway.

What is "Hamilton"?


This TV show, which aired from 1994 to 2004, centered around six friends living in New York City.

What is "Friends"?


This food item has been deceiving everyone for years and only has one flavor, despite marketing multiple flavors.

What are Skittles?


This marine creature, known for its bright colors, can change its skin texture to blend in with its surroundings.

What is an octopus?


This NBA player is often referred to as "His Airness" and is widely regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time.

Who is Michael Jordan?


If all the LEGO minifigures ever made formed their own country, they would surpass this country as the most populous.

What is China?


This 2013 Disney film features the hit song "Let It Go" and became a global phenomenon.

What is "Frozen"?


This 1925 novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald is set during the Jazz Age and explores themes of wealth and decadence.

What is "The Great Gatsby"?


This 1996 toy line featured small, collectible figurines that were popular among children and included characters like "Pikachu."

What are Pokémon cards?


In Switzerland, it is illegal to own just one of these animals due to their social nature.

What is a guinea pig?


This animal can live without water for up to a week and is known for its ability to survive in extremely dry conditions.

What is a camel?


This company, founded by Elon Musk, has revolutionized the electric vehicle market with models like the Model S and Model 3.

What is Tesla?


This author wrote "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

Who is J.R.R. Tolkien?


This 2019 film became the highest-grossing movie of all time, surpassing "Avatar."

What is "Avengers: End Game"?


This renowned composer is famous for creating iconic scores for movies such as "Star Wars," "Jurassic Park," and "Indiana Jones," earning him multiple Academy Awards and Grammy Awards.

Who is John Williams?


This candy brand, known for its "Gushers" and "Fruit Roll-Ups," was a major hit in the 90s.

What is Fruit by the Foot?


This U.S. president was known for his love of wearing a top hat and even kept his important documents in it.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


This animal can sleep for up to three years at a time due to its low metabolic rate.

What is a snail?


This country has won the most gold medals in the history of the Summer Olympics.

What is the United States?


This video game character, created by Nintendo, was originally named "Jumpman" before being renamed in the 1981 game "Donkey Kong."

Who is Mario?


This 2010 Christopher Nolan film involves a team that enters people's dreams to steal or plant information.

What is "Inception"?


This 1962 book by Dr. Seuss features a mischievous cat who causes chaos in a young children's home.

What is "The Cat in the Hat"?


This 90s music genre, characterized by bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam, is known for its raw, unique sound.

What is grunge?


Launched in 1990, this space telescope has provided breathtaking images and invaluable data about the universe.

What is the Hubble Space Telescope?


This animal can regenerate lost limbs, making it one of nature's most remarkable healers.

What is a starfish?


This American car model, introduced in 1964, is often credited with starting the muscle car era.

What is the Ford Mustang?


This 1976 computer was one of the first personal computers to use a graphical user interface and a mouse.

What is the Apple Lisa?


This 2022 film starring Tom Cruise is a sequel to the 1986 classic and became a massive box office success.

What is "Top Gun: Maverick"?


This 2019 musical, based on a popular movie, features the song "You Can't Stop the Beat" and is set in 1960s Baltimore.

What is "Hairspray"?


This character, known for his catchphrase "They're grrreat!" was a mascot for a popular breakfast cereal.

Who is Tony the Tiger?


This famous cat from the Internet is known for its grumpy expression and has appeared in movies and merchandise.

Who is Grumpy Cat?


This animal sleeps up to 22 hours a day, making it one of the sleepiest animals in the animal kingdom.

What is a koala?


This Swiss tennis player holds the record for the most Grand Slam singles titles in men's tennis.

Who is Roger Federer?


This item shows the holder the location of everyone within Hogwarts.

What is the Marauder's Map?


This 2018 film, part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, was the first superhero movie to be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars.

What is "Black Panther"?


This 1813 novel by Jane Austen features the complex relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy.

What is "Pride and Prejudice"?


This 1997 book by J.K. Rowling introduced the world to a young wizard named Harry Potter.

What is "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (Sorcerer's) Stone"?


Often called the “voice box,” this organ in the human throat plays a crucial role in speech production.

What is the larynx?


Known as water bears, these microscopic animals can survive the vacuum, radiation, and extreme temperatures of space.

What are tardigrades?


This movie franchise, starting in 2001, popularized street racing and high-performance cars.

What is "The Fast and the Furious"?


This 2011 game by Mojang allows players to build and explore blocky, procedurally generated worlds.

What is Minecraft?


This actor portrayed the Joker in "The Dark Knight" and posthumously won an Academy Award for his performance.

Who is Heath Ledger?


This 2017 musical, based on real events, tells the story of 38 planes that were diverted to a small town in Newfoundland following the events of September 11, 2001.

What is Come From Away?


This 90's scandal involved what former U.S. president and a White House intern named Monica Lewinsky.

Who is Bill Clinton?


The year that the first iPhone was released.

What is 2007?


This animal can produce up to 10,000 volts of electricity, which it uses for hunting and self-defense.

What is an electric eel?


This quarterback has won the most Super Bowl titles in NFL history.

Who is Tom Brady?


Before becoming a video game giant, this company started as a playing card company in 1889.

What is Nintendo?


This famous "Star Wars" prop was originally constructed from an old Graflex camera flash handle.

What is a lightsaber?


This 1960 novel by Harper Lee is a Pulitzer Prize-winning story about racial injustice in the American South.

What is "To Kill a Mockingbird"?


This British pop band, known for hits like "Wannabe" and "Spice Up Your Life," was a major force in the 90s.

What is the Spice Girls?


Originally, Amazon only sold this kind of product.

What are books?


This type of shark is known for its feeding frenzy behavior, where it will often attack schools of fish or other prey in large groups.

What is the great white shark?


This Japanese company, founded in 1948, is one of the most renowned manufacturers of dirt bikes.

What is Honda?


This creature is Hagrid's pet hippogriff in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Who is Buckbeak?


In "The Wizard of Oz," this substance was used to create the snow in the poppy field scene.

What is asbestos?


This 2008 novel by Suzanne Collins features a dystopian future where children fight to the death in a televised event.

What is "The Hunger Games"?


This 1990s song by Celine Dion became an anthem for the movie "Titanic" and topped charts worldwide.

What is "My Heart Will Go On"?


Twitter originally restricted tweets to this many characters.

What is 140?


This marine animal is known for its ability to sleep with one half of its brain while the other half remains alert, a trait known as unihemispheric slow-wave sleep.

What is a dolphin?


This player, known as "The Great One," holds numerous NHL records, including the most career points.

Who is Wayne Gretzky?


In this 1980 arcade game, players control a yellow character that must eat dots and avoid being caught by ghosts.

What is Pac-Man?


The voice of E.T. in "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" was created using recordings of this animal.

What is a raccoon?