What is Duration?
The amount of time in which a behavior happens.
What schedule of reinforcement would support being reinforced for every Sd / trial presented?
Fixed Ratio of 1 (FR1)
What is the difference between a mand and a tact?
Mand: Requesting an item
Tact: Labeling an item
Name the 4 functions of Behavior
1. Attention
2. Automatic (sensory)
3. Access (Tangible)
4. Escape
Explain the difference between Least to Most prompting Vs. Most to least prompting
L-M Prompting: Visual, Verbal, Gesture, Model, Partial Physical, Full Physical
M-L: Full Physical, Partial Physical, Model, Gesture, Verbal, Visual.
What is momentary time sampling?
Tracking the occurence or non-occurence of a behavior when a timer sounds at the end of a set interval.
What schedule of reinforcement would support reinforcing every 5 minutes?
Fixed Interval of 5 (FI5)
No longer reinforcing a behavior that has been previously reinforced
Every time Tom is on his reinforcement time he sings some of his favorite songs. what is the function of the behavior?
What is prompt fading?
The gradual removal of prompts as the behavior continues to occur in the presence of the Sd.
Define Latency and given an example
How long it takes for a behavior to begin after a demand is placed.
Example: LeiVen was told to "stand up" and it took her 45 seconds to stand (time in between Sd and response).
A client loses a chore (non-preferred) for each homework task they complete, what type of reinforcement is this?
What is shaping?
Shaping is a method of gradually changing the behavior to a more desired (socially appropriate) target behavior. You systematically reinforce a behavior that is closer to the desired behavior until the behavior criteria is met.
A student has engaged in aggression towards peers during his least favorite subject at school everyday for the past week and then gets sent to the office until the end of that period, what is the function of the aggression?
The use of physical gestures to indicate the desired response
Gestural Prompt
The measure of time that occurs between two consecutive instances of a response class.
Example: GioRic has been engaging in tantrum behavior. He stopped for 5 seconds, and then started tantrum after initially stopping for 5 seconds. IRT is 5 seconds (time in between consecutive responses).
A client has a chore (non-preferred) added to their to-do list for each instance of aggression, what type of reinforcement is this?
Positive Punishment
What is the 'AKA' for the 3-term contingency?
ABC - Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence. The three-term contingency posits that behavior is influenced by an environment through a sequence involving an antecedent, behavior, and consequence. The ABCs of behavior illustrate how behavior is elicited by the environment and how the consequences of behavior can affect its future occurrence.
A student is called on to answer a question and instead of answering correctly says a joke and the entire class laughs. The joke was inappropriate enough for him to get kicked out of class by his teacher. This student does not like the subject but also likes making everyone thinking he is funny. What is the function of the behavior?
Dual Function: Attention & Escape
What is modeling?
A type of prompt in which the trainer demonstrates the behavior for the learner.
What are the 3 types of discontinuous measurements?
Partial Interval Recording, Whole Interval Recording and Momentary Time Sampling.
What is DRO?
Providing reinforcement for the ABSENCE of a target behavior.
What is a discriminative stimulus (Sd)?
is the antecedent stimulus that has stimulus control over behavior because the behavior was reliably reinforced in the presence of that stimulus in the past. Discriminative stimuli set the occasion for behaviors that have been reinforced in their presence in the past.
A method used to determine the possible function of a behavior in order to develop a function-based intervention.
ABC ( 3-term contingency )
What prompt is the most difficult to fade out?
Verbal Prompts.