Leisure Benefits
Mind-Body Connection
Community Resources
Leisure Barriers
Holistic Health

Name 3 non-sports activities that would increase your social wellness.

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: Generally activities should have multiple people in activity and involve socialization. These could include book clubs, support groups, community events, group classes, and more.


Aside from Yoga, name 3 Mind-Body Practices that have shown to reduce stress and increase relaxation.

Any of the following: Meditation, Qigong, Tai Chi, Breathing Techniques, Art, Music, Dance, Recreation or other deemed appropriate by judge. 


This social media platform is used for organizing interest groups for in-person or virtual gatherings to meet new people, learn new things, find support, get out of their comfort zones, and pursue their passions, together, in their local community.


Name a social reason why you wouldn't do leisure, and explain one way to overcome this barrier.

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: similar to shyness, fear of embarrassment, people to go to event with you, etc. Solutions to overcome barrier should be provided.


Describe the difference between a fixed and growth mindset.

Growth mindset: believe that their abilities can be developed and improved over time

Fixed mindset: believe that their abilities are innate and cannot be changed. 


Name 3 benefits of trying out a new community sports league (sport of your choice).

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: Generally activities should include new neuro-pathways, meeting new people, not self-isolating, endorphins, self-esteem building, and maintain or strengthen muscles. 


This is the the part of the body where 90% of Serotonin, a neurotransmitter used by the brain for mood regulation, is generated. 

The gut, intestinal tract, digestive system. 


POSSIBLE DAILY DOUBLE!!!!This type of meeting focuses on supporting recovery from substance addictions, behavioral addictions and compulsions. It is also a way to meet others on their recovery journey for a support system outside of programs.

Name as many different 12-steps programs you know(200 points for naming at least 5, 400 bonus points for naming at least 10).


Name a nature-based reason why you wouldn't do leisure, and explain one way to overcome this barrier.

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: similar to biophobic fears, education, weather, etc.  Solutions to overcome barrier should be provided.


Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving. Each week adults need _________ minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity. (According to the current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans)


We know 150 minutes of physical activity each week sounds like a lot, but you don’t have to do it all at once. It could be 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week; you can break it up into smaller chunks of time.

SOME is better than NONE!!!


Name 3 activities that would allow you to emotionally release/express.

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: Generally activities should have the arts/humanities like painting, dancing, drawing, writing, reading, and improv! Creative options accepted.


Also known as your "Biological Clock", this is the physical, mental, and behavioral changes humans experience over a 24-hour cycle.

Bonus for 100 Points: Name factors that influence this body mechanism

Circadian Rhythm 

Bonus: Light and dark have the biggest influence on circadian rhythms, but food intake, stress, physical activity, social environment, and temperature also affect them.


The popular dating app Bumble, is just used for finding love; it also offers two additional in-app services on their platform. Name these two services. 

"Buzz" Business Networking and Bumble BFF


Name a time-management reason why you wouldn't do leisure, and explain one way to overcome this barrier.

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: Generally similar to "too busy", work schedules, times of programs, etc. Solutions to overcome barrier should be provided. 


This is the result from an 85-year Harvard study, with health records from 724 participants from all over the world, found the No. 1 thing that makes us happy in life and helps us ‘live longer’.

Positive Social Relationships!!!


Name 3 leisure benefits to visiting at a nature center/preserve. 

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: Generally activities should have educational components or novelty and help connect to Mother Earth. Other benefits of lowered HR or BP with being in nature, or increased endorphins and endurance/strength. 


The particular form of yogic deep breathing originated in India. and is used by the United States Navy SEALs to activate their parasympathetic nervous system for stress relief.

Many Names: Box Breathing, 4×4 breathing, 4-4-4-4 breathing, Equal breathing, Four-square breathing, and Square breathing.


This online resource can be utilize by users "to browse, create, and promote local events" in cities across the US. 


Name a financial reason why you wouldn't do leisure, and explain one way to overcome this barrier.

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: Generally similar to cost of program, cost of equipment, paycheck cycle, or transportation cost. 

Solutions can include rentals, different lower cost activities, community park-based activates, and program scholarships.


Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard medical care. 

What is the main difference between Complementary and Alternative Medicine?

Complementary Medicine:is used along with standard medical treatment 

Alternative Medicine: is used instead of standard medical treatment

(Pass Out Handout!)


Name 3 activities that would allow you to increase your personal meaning in life.

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: Generally activities should be defended by clients for authenticity and interests.


The Vagus Nerve is the longest nerve that connects the brain to the gut. It helps with mood regulation, immunity, digestion, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood movement in the body, and more. 

Name 3 activities that can intentionally activate the Vagus Nerve.

Deep breathing: A few minutes of deep breathing can keep the vagus nerve active.

Meditation: Meditation activates the vagus nerve and calms the network of nerves that control many physiological processes.

Sounds of vibrations: Humming, singing, or gargling have been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve and activate muscles.

Cold-water immersion: Slows the heart rate and directs blood flow to the brain.

Yoga: Can help to keep the vagus nerve healthy by calming the nervous system.

Exercise: Can help stimulate the vagus nerve.

Massage: Can help stimulate the vagus nerve


This community resource in Charlotte, NC is where you can go to sign up for programs including kayaking, sports leagues, nature walks, pickleball, line dancing, karaoke, swimming, art, and educational classes.  

Mecklenburg County Parks & Recreation




What is YOUR biggest personal leisure barrier that prevents you from doing more of the things you love? 

What have you tried to do to address it? 

What is one thing you haven't tried yet that you could use to overcome it? (must answer all 3 for 500 points)

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: Generally responses should be defended by clients for authenticity. 


Name the 5 possible domains of holistic health/wellbeing. 100 points given for each. (Hint, think broad categories/Wellness Wheel)

Up to the Discretion of the Judge: Generally should refer to the following domains: emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, career, social, financial, etc.