Constant Velocity

These two components make up a vector.

What are magnitude and direction?


This is the velocity of a skateboarder that travels in a straight line forward for 1600 meters in 2 minutes

What is 13.3 m/s?

v = x/t


This is the rate of acceleration for a car that goes from 10 m/s to 35 m/s in 20 sec.

What is 1.25 m/s/s?


This is what the slope of a position vs. time graph will tell you

What is the velocity of the object?


What is the proper spelling of your teacher's last name?



In this situation, speed and velocity are exactly the same value. ( do not answer "not moving" )

What is a straight line?


This is how long it will take a tortoise to cover 200 meters going 0.004 m/s

What is 50,000 seconds (13.9 hours)?

t = x/v


This is how long it will take to stop a rollerskater that is cruising along at 8 m/s and encounters a headwind of -0.6 m/s/s.

What is 13.3 seconds?


This is what the area under the line on a velocity vs time graph will tell you

What is the displacement of the object?

This is another measurement that is a vector besides velocity.

What is acceleration, displacement, force, etc.


For all objects moving down (south) and to the left (west) the sign, this will be the sign

What is negative?


This is how long it will take Tyler to run from the cafeteria to math class, a distance of 55 meters at a velocity of 3.4 m/s

What is 16.2 s?


This is the displacement between the start and finish of a ski race that takes 2.5 minutes with racers accelerating at 0.18 m/s/s from rest.

What is 2,025 meters? 

This is what the Position vs time graph and Velocity vs time graph will look like for an object starting at 10 meters and going towards zero slowing down as it goes.

Position vs time: starts steep at the top, curves to flat at zero.

Velocity vs time: starts below zero and climbs with a sloped line to zero.


This is how long it took for an object going 15 m/s to come to a complete stop in a distance of 63 meters.

What is 8.4 seconds?


If you are moving in the positive direction at a constant rate and experience a postitive acceleration, this is what will happen.

What is speeding up?

This is how far apart the bleachers are if it takes you 18 seconds to run there at 2.8 m/s.

What is 50.4 meters?

x = vt

This is the final velocity of a skiier that has an acceleration of 0.18 m/s/s and has been increasing her velocity on a downhill course for 2.5 minutes.

What is 27 m/s?


This is the difference between an object that is represented by a line with a positive slope of 2 and an object represented with line with a negative slope of 2 on a position vs time graph.

What is the object's direction?  (Same velocity, but one is moving away from zero and one towards zero.)

This is how far you have traveled if you began with an initial velocity of 2 m/s and accelerated at 0.5 m/s/s for 28 seconds.

What is 252 meters?


If you are moving in the negative direction and experience a positive acceleration, this is what will happen.

What is slowing down until you stop and begin accelerating in the postitive direction?


This is how may hours it will take for Lauren to climb Mt. Pierce, 14.8 km, at an average pace of 1.3 m/s

What is 3.16 hours?

14,800/1.3 = 11,384.6 s

11,384.6/3600 = 3.16 hrs

This is the final velocity of a sailboat that was heading east at 12 m/s and encountered a westerly wind that accelerated it -.2 m/s/s for 2 minutes.

What is -12 m/s?

This is what the three graphs (pvt, vvt, avt) would look like for an object that begins at a constant velocity and then slows to a stop heading away from zero.

PvT: positive angle and curve that starts steep and goes flat at the top

VvT: horizontal line in the positive numbers and a sloped line to zero

AvT: horizontal line on zero and a horizontal line below zero (neg)


This is the initial velocity of an object that ends with a final velocity of 33 m/s after accelerating at 0.6 m/s/s for 240 meters.

What is 28.3 m/s?