Diabetes Type 1
Diabetes Type 2

What lab(s) is/are elevated if the pt has hyperthyroidism?

What is T3 & T4?


What are the 3 cardinal signs of T1DM?

What is 3 Ps (polyuira, polydipsia, and polyphagia)?


What is a priority action by the nurse after noticing a container of cranberry juice on the diabetic client's breakfast tray?  

What is remove it immediately? 


What is another name for Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA)?

What is Diabetes Type 1.5?


A client receiving levothyroxin is at a high risk for what complication?

What is choking/airway compromise?


If a T1's diabetes is familial, what relative(s) also has the disease? 

What is a 1 degree relative (parent or sibling)?


What is a priority action by the nurse when a client who is receiving insulin reports sudden dizziness and headache?

What is check their blood glucose?


At what age does a LADA typically develop symptoms?

What is 20s-30's?


What lab(s) will be elveated in a pt that has hypothyroidism? 

What is TSH?


What "rule" is very important to include in the T1DM client's discharge education regarding hypoglycemia?

What is the 15/15 rule?


What is the goal of treatment for a client diagnosed with T2DM? 

What is preserve beta cell function? 


What is it called when the client with LADA starts to develop parasthesia to peripheral/distal tissues? 

What is diabetic neuropathy?


What is the name for the large overgrowth of thyroid tissue that can occur in both hypo- and hyperthyroism?

What is goiter?


What diet recommendation will the nurse offer to a T1DM client experiencing frequent hypoglycemic episodes?  

What is eat a carbohydrate and protein together too stabilize your blood sugar? 


What co-morbidities the client have if they have been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome? 

What is hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension?


What is the goal of treatment when caring for a client diagnosed with LADA? 

What is prevent hypoglycemia?


What is a priority nursing intervention when the pt newly prescribed/administered levothyroxine complains of mild chest pain? 

What is call the HCP and get a cardiac workup (non-emergent)?


The nurse is preparing to discharge a newly diagnosed T1DM client.  What are 2 recommendations to include prior to exercise/activity?

What is check the CBS prior to the activity and have a carb/protein snack handy?


What is an important acronym that should be included in the discharge education plan for a pt newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes?

What is ABCDE?  

A1C monitoring, BP below 130/80, Cholesterol LDL<100 and HDL >50, Keep all Dr appts, & Exercise 


What are the 2 main causes of LADA?

What are family history of T1DM and viral infection that destroys beta cells?