Prolaction hormone comes from which gland?
Anterior Pituitary
Follicle stimulating hormone does what?
Helps cells mature into sperm and eggs
How many hormones come out of the thyroid?
The Pineal gland puts out how many hormones?
The thyroid and parathyroid are located where?
The Anterior Pituitary gland puts out how many hormones?
The Pineal gland, the Pituitary gland are located where in the body?
How many hormones come out of the parathyroid?
If a doctor wants to start contractions to begin a delivery what hormone does he use?
The Posterior Pituitary puts out how many hormones?
What hormones helps make testosterone in men?
Luteinizing hormone
What hormone tells the pituitary to release thyroid stimulating hormone?
Thyrotropin releasing hormone
What is the abbreviation for Triiodothyronine?
What hormone tells the pituitary to release growth hormone?
Growth hormone releasing hormone
What hormone tells the pituitary to stop releasing Growth Hormone?
Growth hormone inhibiting hormone
How many hormones come out of the Hypothalamus?
Hormone that lowers calcium in the blood?
What is the abbreviation for Thyroxine?
What hormone helps prolactin to be released to create milk production?
Prolactin releasing hormone
If calcium levels are too high, what hormone will lower the level?
If calcium is low, what hormone will increase the level of calcium in the blood?
Parathyroid hormone
The hormones, Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine do what action in the body?
Regulates metabolic rate in the body
If prolactin levels are too high, what hormone stops it being released?
Prolactin inhibiting hormone
What hormone releases ACTH hormone into the blood stream?
Corticotropin releasing hormone
What hormone helps release FSH and LH hormones into the blood stream?
Gonadotropin releasing hormone