This famous monster the most legendary vampire possibly in all cinema, you can 'count' on that...
Dracula, or Count Dracula
Often forgotten in a sea of shark movies, he was the granddaddy of them all, named after his 'mouth'
This horror film made the very ring of a telephone into a jumpscare. By the way, what's your favorite scary movie?
From zombies to bioweapons, this famous Capcom franchise is considered quite 'evil'
Resident Evil
Many Halloween holiday memes normally include this famous killer, wielding a knife, and wearing a white mask
Michael Myers
Though he is known simply as "the monster", he often gets mixed up with his "Dr" creator
Frankenstein, or Frankenstein's monster
Also the name of the film, this creature would absorb its prey, and then perfectly copy them, making it hard to know who was real, and who was this monster
The Thing
Alfred Hitchcock became a legend for the shocking jump-scare in the shower in this horror film
Considered by fans to be a mixture of Resident Evil and Alien, this franchise was all about Isaac Clarke taking on the necromorphs
Dead Space
Memes can often include creepy clowns, but when you see THIS one, you definitely think "yep, that's IT"
One, two, he is coming for you...
Freddy, or Freddy Krueger
Though we all know about the Alien movies, we often forget the actual name of the alien itself, which is...
Though not necessarily a horror film, this alien film had Will Smith getting jump-scared by an alien... Welcome to Earth.
Independence Day
This zombie hack and slash was set in a shopping mall starring famous journalist photographer Frank West... He's covered wars ya know...
Dead Rising
Any meme about cannibalism or funny cooking jokes will often include this famous serial killer from Silence of the Lambs
Hannibal, or Hannibal Lecter
Though he was not a great swimmer, he had the full support of his mother whenever he was at camp
Jason, or Jason Vorhees
Everyone has heard of the Saw films, but do you still remember the name of the evil man pulling the strings?
The Chestburst, or Chestburster
This popular online multiplayer horror game consists of several famous monsters hunting down four survivors who are hard at work trying to 'fix generators'
Dead by Daylight
Tricycles have been in several creepy memes, but most would either be of Jigsaw, or of the child Danny, from this famous Jack Nicholson adaptation of a Stephen King novel
The Shining
Possibly the biggest Mama's Boy in cinematic history, he would often dress in his mothers clothes just to keep her alive
Norman Bates
This movie monster had a hook for a hand, and was played by the legendary Tony Todd. Careful not to say his name more than once or twice...
Out of all the extraterrestrial horror films out there, this particular one contained 'one ugly mother****'
This NES game was the inspiration for Capcom to create the Resident Evil franchise in the first place, and it was quite a 'sweet' surprise for horror fans
Sweet Home
A famous vampire appears posing in a doorway of many a meme, but it's not Dracula, but instead this long forgotten black and white film blood sucker