You Cant Kill the Boogeyman
Every Trick in the Book
Behind the Screams
Insane Laughter
Spooky Series

What actor did the Halloween franchise model the iconic Myers mask off of?

Who is William Shatner?


What breed of dog is Cujo?

What is a Saint Bernard?


What did Nick Castle (actor of the original Michael Myers) name his cat?

What is Michael Meowers?


What is the name of the famous spoof movie franchise mocking horror movies?

What is Scary Movie?


Which American gothic writer's works is the show "Fall of the House of Usher" based on?

Who is Edgar Allen Poe?


What is the name of John Kramer's tricycle friend?

What is Billy?


What is the name of the mechanical shark in Jaws?

What is Bruce?


What is the secret to how Samara's creepy walk in "The Ring" was filmed?

What is the actress walked backwards and post film production reversed it?


What is the derogatory term that helps make the premise of "Tucker and Dale vs Evil" progress?

What is hillbilly?


Which book is the series "Haunting of Bly Manor" based on?

What is Turn of the Screw?


How many movies are in the Friday the 13th franchise?

What is 12?


Who is the author of the book the movie "The Exorcist" is based off of?

Who is William Peter Blatty?


What body part of the priest was the vomit spewed from Regan in "The Exorcist" supposed to hit?

What is his chest? (it hit his face on accident and the director loved the actor's disgusted reaction so much he kept it in)


Which scene in Happy Death Day had to be filmed very quickly due to its nature, also causing the scene itself to be banned in China?

What is when Tree goes streaking/shows nude backside?


How many seasons are there of American Horror Story and what are they called? (must get both right for points) (NOT including American Horror Stories)

12 seasons: Murder House, Asylum, Coven, Freak Show, Hotel, Roanoke, Cult, Apocalypse, 1984, Double Feature, NYC, Delicate


What did Hannibal Lecter have as a side to his meal of a man's liver? (hint: 2 items)

What is Fava Beans and Chianti?


Which full-length book of Stephen King was the first to become a movie?

What is Carrie?


What unique tactic did Sissy Spacek commit as Carrie in the original "Carrie" for the sake of continutiy?

What is slept in the blood-soaked prom dress for three nights while filming the last part of the movie?


In "Cabin in the Woods," which monster would the conch shell have summoned if chosen in the cabin's basement by the teens?

What is the merman?


In "The Last of Us" The opening scene takes place in Jakarta in 2003 with Ibu Ratna being brought in to analyze a situation. What is Ratna's job? (must be specific)

What is Professor of Mycology?


How many Ghostface killers have their been in the franchise, including the TV series, thus far?

What is 14?

Scream 1 - Billy Loomis, Stu Macher

Scream 2 - Nancy Loomis, Mickey Altieri

Scream 3 - Roman Bridger

Scream 4 - Jill Robers and Charlie Walker

Scream 5 - Richie Kirsch and Amber Freeman

Scream 6 - Wayne Bailey, Ethan, and Quinn

Series - Beth and Jamal


In the movie adaptation of Grady Hendrix's My Best Friend's Exorcism, what exactly caused Margaret to get sick after drinking the diet drinks?

What is tapeworms/tapeworm eggs?


Name one of two unconventional/possibly dangerous requests director Roman Polanski asked of Mia Farrow in "Rosemary's Baby" in order to capture authentic reactions? (Bonus 200 points if you can guess both)

1. Had her walk through real oncoming traffic with fake pregnant stomach claiming no car would ever hit a pregnant woman (honks, breaking cars and yelling drivers are real)

2. Had her eat raw chicken liver multiple times (Farrow was a vegetarian)


Who does the mask in "Freaky" worn by the killer resemble? (hint: celebrity)

Who is Aaron Rogers? (vince vaughn is actually a bears fan)


How many kills does Chucky have in the TV series season one - guess can be within 5 (people and animals)?

What is 57?