What city do Billy and Kate live in the first one
Kingston Falls, Pensylvania
who is the killer in the orginal Friday the 13th
Pamela Vorhees, or Jason's mother
what did Freddy work as before he was burnt by the angy parents
janitor at the local school
what was the name of the colleage professor killed at the beginning of Scream 6
Laura Crane
what are the two names Tiffany's child goes by
Glen and Glenda
How much did Billy's dad pay for Gizmo
When Crystal Lake gains its reputation as Camp Blood, under what name does it reopen
Camp Forest Green
which film was the first to not include Nancy thompson
Nightmare on Elm St. 2 Freddy's Revenge
what is the soroity Cici Cooper belongs to
Omega Beta Zeta
What is Tiffany's signature way of killing when she's a human
sliting throats with a nail file
What is the name of Billy's dog
what is the name of the final girl in Friday the 13th Part 2
who played Glen Lantz in the first one
Johnny Depp
in the third one who plays Dewey in "Stab 3"
David Schwimmer
which film has a similar title screen to Scream 2
Bride of Chucky, or the 4th one
what animal is Mrs. Deagle fond of
In what film does Jason first wear his iconic hockey mask
who won in Freddy .vs. Jason
TRICK QUESTION they both won
Which ghostface appears in one of Staycee's fav films
Jill Roberts
what is the name of the girl who helps Andy in the second one
At the end of the second one who are the two gremlins that survived
Gizmo and the female gremlin
Who plays Jason in Pt.3
Richard Brooker
what iconic line did Freddy say after killing Debbie Stevens
"You can check in but, you can't check out"
who are the two girls who die at the beginning of Scream 4
Marnie Cooper and Jenny Randall
what actor/actress plays two roles in this franchise
Jennifer Tilly