First of their name
Show Stoppers

Thoroughbred declare that there are three founding fathers of the breed. These are the three lines that were still active when bloodstock writing became important toward the middle and end of the 19th century

the Byerley Turk, the Darley Arabian, and the Godolphin Arabian.


German Warmblood horse breed originating from the former kingdom of Hanover, in the state of Lower Saxony. In the riding horse’s world, they are considered the cream of the crop because of their bone structure and stamina.



one of America’s most versatile and popular horse breeds – a well-deserved honor. Today, you can find this horse nearly anywhere – working the ranch, competing at rodeo events, crossing the open range on a long-distance trail ride, or even as a backyard family companion horse.

American Quarter Horse


they are a gentle, hardy breed from the countryside of Ireland. It’s well-known as a versatile sports pony with a knack for jumping. This breed also has a kind enough temperament for children to ride it.



perhaps the most recognizable breed of draft horses. These stunning horses are best known for pulling the world-famous Budweiser hitch, which is truly a sight to behold.



The founding stallion of the Morgan breed traces back to one Morgan horse. He was born in southern New England in 1789. This horses legacy began when a man named Justin Morgan purchased him as a foal and took him to Vermont in 1791. Justin Morgan was a horse breeder, farmer and teacher of singing who settled in Vermont and traveled throughout eastern states.



believed to be the oldest warmblood with their history tracing back to the 13th century. They are known for their mild temperament, intelligence, work ethics, and rideability. These horses are expensive because of the breed’s scarcity.



this is a stocky athletic little horse that is well suited for a variety of disciplines. They excel at ranch work, rodeo events, but they also make a splash in stuffy English show rings as well. When our equine companions arrived in the Americas with the Spanish conquistadors, many of the indigenous tribes began adopting them into their cultures. Many of these tribes favored loud-colored animals, and settlers often caught and used wild spotted mustangs.  

American Paint Horse


One of the most well-known pony breeds today. Originally used for herding livestock on the moors they lived on, they are a capable breed that can excel in jumping, dressage, and driving. In fact, they’re the oldest (and purist) British native breed!



One of the oldest breeds of draft horses,they originated in the province of Le Perche, which is near Normandy, France. Though their origins are not clear, these majestic horses are believed to be descendants of the Barb and Flemish horses, with Arabian blood mixed in.



Although many horses went into creating the American Quarter Horse we know today, three foundation sires made a huge imprint around the turn of the 20th century.

Peter McCue, Traveler and Old Fred


This breed was developed to create a multi-purpose workhorse. This German warmblood is famous for its large stature, attractive looks, and high-set tail. Several bloodlines have contributed to developing the breed such as Norfolk Roadster, Thoroughbred, Hanoverian, Neapolitan, and Andalusian.



As English settlers brought their sleek carriage-pulling Thoroughbreds to America, they crossed them with the now-extinct Narragansett Pacer. This produced a high-stepping, elegant carriage horse that was well-suited for riding and driving.  

American Saddlebred


Rivaling the Exmoor Pony as one of the world’s oldest breeds. Always dun-colored with a black dorsal stripe down its spine, this pony is downright stunning and just the right size. This pony is naturally curious and astutely observant, which makes it a great children’s mount.

Norwegian Fjord


As an old French breed, this Draft we know today came to picture in the late 1800s. Originally descended from the Great Flemish Horse during the Middle Ages, they were commonly used for war before having other heavy horses bred in to create the breed we are familiar with today. In fact, this breed is so popular in America that they outnumber all other draft breeds combined. Their American version is slightly taller, lighter-bodied, and of a light chestnut color.



The Friesian horse is an ancient breed originally from the province of Friesland in the northern Netherlands. We can track the first record of the Friesian Horse to 1544 when the German Elector Johann Friedrich von Sachsen came to Reichstag in Spiers riding a Friesian stallion. Based on historical records, we know Friesians were used primarily in battle as a war horse. What is the First known stallion?

The etching, dating from 1568, of the stallion Phryso belonging to Don Juan of Austria in Napels is very well known.


a European light Warmblood horse breed from East Prussia. The pivotal breed development happened in the 1800s when the English Thoroughbreds and Arabian blood was introduced in the gene pool. famous for its floating trot, is considered the most refined of Warmbloods.



meant to have increased agility and sporting capabilities. They are a relatively new breed, developed in the 1920s after breeders crossed the stronger Draught Horse with the Thoroughbred.

This horse can be thicker-set and more muscled than some other sport horses. They are especially good at eventing shows, jumping, and even dressage.

Irish Sport Horses


Their expressive presence and willing attitude have created a fantastic pleasure driving pony. Just don’t confuse this breed with the horse version of the same name.

Hackney Pony

 was developed for farm work and gained popularity in the early 20th century for their desirable work ethic. This sturdy breed originated in England, from Norfolk and Suffolk counties and is the oldest English breed registry. This breed is one of those few heavy breeds that have never been used in a carriage. Hence why the breed maintained a short, stocky appearance with a wide and muscular croup. On the other hand, they tend to exhibit an energetic, forward going trot.

The Suffolk Punch


The Cleveland Bay was developed in Yorkshire, England. Rather than a founding father this breed was developed from an extinct breed that was bred and used in the Yorkshire Dales as pack horses by the traveling salesmen of the age. What extinct breed of horse was the Cleveland Bay developed from?

“Chapman Horse”


Primarily bred for equine competitions, is an elegant, lively, calm, well-mannered horse. The breed was selectively bred to have all the desired qualities of competition horses. Reputable for their excellent temperament, obedience, loyalty, spirituality, and docility. breed is influenced by the European Warmblood, Thoroughbred, Arabian, and some draft horses.  Theses horse do not always represent a certain breed, instead considered more of a “type”. 

American Warmbloods


Some of the oldest horse breeds, these fine Spanish horses were some of the first to cross the vast Pacific Ocean into the Americas. Even before Roman times, elegant warhorses were used in Spain for hundreds of years for ranch work and bullfighting.These horses have a regal appearance, elastic gaits, and an excellent cow-sense. Affable and agile, they respond well to light aids, which is a necessary trait during a high-pressure situation (such as a bullfight) and for dressage.

Andalusian and Lusitano


Averaging just 12 hands high, this Pony is a surprisingly versatile breed. Their ground-covering trot won races and their surefootedness won hearts. This is a breed of pony you can trust to get you where you need to go safely.

Fell Pony


The origins of this breed date back to Ancient Rome, making it one of the oldest horse breeds in the world. It’s native to the region of its name which is part of modern France, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

Throughout history, they served as a heavy cavalry and artillery horse for many nations. It is also ideal for any kind of agricultural or draft work and it’s becoming increasingly popular in competitive driving.
