It Looks like...
Countries of Origin
Draft Horses
Cross Breeds

This breed has a long arched neck, a dished face, bluish-black skin and a high-set tail.

What is the Arabian Horse?


This breed developed in Iowa has to have an Appaloosa pattern visible at 40 feet away

What is the Pony of the Americas?


The country of origin of the Camargue, Selle Francais, and Percheron is known for fashion designers and hundreds of kinds of cheeses.

What is France?


This Scottish draft breed is known for its bay coat color, feathers, and white stockings on the legs.

What is the Clydesdale?


When you cross a Morgan and an Arabian, you get this breed

What is the Morab?


This breed's characteristics include a visible sclera, spotted coat, mottled skin, and striped hooves.

What is the Appaloosa?


This breed used to work in coal mines, giving them the nickname 'pit ponies'

What is the Shetland pony?


This country isn't just home to the Falabella - they love polo, have horseback herders called "gauchos", and are one of the countries of origin for the Criollo horse. 

What is Argentina?


This breed is known as the breed of blacks and grays.

What is the Percheron?


This a cross between a Thoroughbred and an Arabian

What is the Anglo Arab?


This breed is born black-brown, brown, or mouse gray, and most turn white around age 6-10. Blacks or bays are rare.

What is the Lipizzan? 


This Irish breed is famed for its jumping ability

What is the Connemara?


The Orlov Trotter and Bashkir Curly's country of origin spans 11 time zones, occupies a tenth of the land on Earth, and has shores on three oceans.

What is Russia?


Other than their predominant chestnut color, a lack of feathers differentiate this breed from the other two United Kingdom draft breeds.

What is the Suffolk Punch?


An Appaloosa mare and a Shetland stallion were bred to produce this popular pony breed.

What is the Pony of the Americas?


This breed from India is famous for having ears that curl in toward each other

What is the Marwari horse?


This breed has 4 divisions that are based on the height of the animal, including a cob type

What is the Welsh Pony?


The Andalusian's country of origin is called EspaƱa and is separated from Africa by the Straits of Gibraltar. 

What is Spain?


This draft breed is the most common in the United States

What is the Belgian?


A Tennessee Walker crossed with a Welsh Pony results in this gaited pony breed

What is the American Walking Pony?


This breed resembles a small Belgian, because it is often a light shade of chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail.

What is the Halflinger?


This pony breed is referred to as the "living fossil" and has adapted to living in harsh winds and rain by developing fleshy upper and lower eyelids known as "hooded eyes"

What is the Exmoor pony?

This country is one of the least-visited in the world,  70% desert, and home to the Akhal-Teke horse.

What is Turkmenistan?


This breed can trace their foundation to a mare from Iowa, and hold the distinction of being the draft breed that was developed in the United States.

What is the American Cream?

This cross between a Saddlebred and an Arabian is known for refinement, stamina, and high-stepping action

What is the National Show Horse?