I <3 Anatomy
I'm ten-done with Anatomy
Healthy Careers
The HOSA way!
Do we have any bigger fish to fry?

These tiny blood vessels connect arteries and veins and are the sites of the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products between blood and tissues.

What are capillaries?


This is the greek word for bone.

What is osteon?


This health professional specializes in the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of children.

What/who is a Pediatrician?


This is what HOSA-FHP stands for.

Health Occupation Students of America-Future Health Professionals


Nemo and Marlin are this type of fish.

What is a clown fish?


The largest blood vessel in the body starts in the lower left ventricle then runs down your spine to act as a superhighway for oxygenated blood.

What is the Aorta?


This tendon is named after the famous greek hero who was famously shot in the back of the heel.

What is the Achilles Tendon?


This health professional specializes in diagnosing and treating oral health conditions.

What/who is a dentist?


These are the three colors in the HOSA logo.

What are Navy, White, and Maroon?


This tiny shark takes circular bites out of larger dolphins, sharks, and whales.

What is a cookiecutter shark?


These veins transfer freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left atria of the heart.

What are the pulmonary veins?


This ligament in the knee that connects the femur to the tibia is often injured during sports involving sudden stops and changes in direction.

What is the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament)?


This health professional performs surgeries of the heart and the major blood vessels surrounding it.

What/who is a cardiac surgeon?


This is the city and state that will hold the International Leadership Conference in 2025.

What is Nashville, Tennessee?


This beautiful fish is invasive to most major US tourist spots, but is difficult to deal with due to its venomous spines.

What is the lionfish?


This is an irregularity in heartbeat caused by an interruption of electrical signals.

What is cardiac arrhythmia? 


This joint, commonly injured in contact sports, is where the clavicle meets the highest point of the shoulder blade.

What is the AC (Acromioclavicular) joint? 


This health professional is a registered nurse who is certified to administer anesthesia during surgeries.

What/who is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist?


This is the number of regions in Michigan HOSA.

What is 9?


This schooling fish's name as an exclamation originated in the catholic tradition of eating fish on fridays during lent.

What is the mackerel? 


This muscle below the lungs contracts and flattens the lungs during breathing.

What is the diaphragm? 


This large, fan-shaped muscle located on the front of the chest is responsible for movements such as flexion, adduction, and internal rotation of the humerus.

What is the pectoralis?


This health professional is trained to look at cells or tissues from a patient to determine if the patient has cancer.

What\who is a pathologist?


This is what you do after you rock and jump.

What is clap your hands?


This is the hawaiian name or its english translation for the reef triggerfish. 

What is Humuhumunukunukuapua'a/Triggerfish with a snout like a pig?