Who is the current HOSA, Inc. Board of Directors Chair?
Cindy Beck
Who serves on the HOSA Executive Committee?
International President, International President-Elect, Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary & Immediate Past Chair
What division boasts the largest percent of the HOSA membership?
Which Superhero climbed the slide of the Washington Monument?
What is the acronym for quickly recognizing if someone has a stroke?
F.A.S.T. or B.E.F.A.S.T. ([Balance Loss, Eyesight Changes,] Facial Droop, Arm or Leg Weakness, Speech Difficulties, Time to call 911)
Who was the first national President of HOSA?
Lynne McGee
What is the name of the educational grant that funds HOSA and a majority other of the CTEs present in education?
The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act
What division has no affiliation fee?
Which D.C. monument was built first?
Washington Monument
If someone got a cholecystectomy, what kind of procedure did they receive?
Removal of the gallbladder
Where was the Constitutional Convention held and in what year?
Arlington, TX in 1976
What is the purpose of the Perkins Grant?
To support career and technical education through federal funding and U.S. governmental support.
Name three (3) events EXCLUSIVE to the Middle School Division.
Foundations of Medical Terminology, Foundations of Medical Reading, Foundations of Nutrition, Foundations of Veterinary Science, Life Threatening Situations, Dynamic Decisions, Exploring Medical Innovation, Foundations of HOSA Bowl, Health Career Exploration, Extemporaneous Health Poster, Math for Health Careers, and Health Career Preparation
How many pillars are in the Lincoln Memorial?
36 pillars
The carpals are described as what to the humerus in anatomical position?
What are the founding HOSA states?
Texas, North Carolina, New Jersey, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Alabama
How many competitive events are in the Emergency Preparedness category?
What is the Collegiate Greek Letter name of HOSA?
Gamma Eta Rho
How many people were originally buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?
What is the only part of the human body that does not receive blood supply?
Cornea of the eye
What are the HOSA colors?
Maroon, medical white, and navy blue
____________ is the newest recognition event for this year.
Health Literacy Ambassador
Name all of the membership divisions in HOSA
Middle School, Secondary, Postsecondary/Collegiate, Professional, Honorary, Lifetime, Alumni, & Members at Large
Who sculpted the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial?
Master Lei Yixin
How many different bones make up the human skull?