medical diagnosis
HOSA history
medical terminology
first aid & emergency care
Body systems

This common viral infection causes fever, body aches, and respiratory symptoms and is often seasonal.

What is the flu (influenza)?


HOSA, an international student led organization based on prepare future healthcare professionals, stands for?  

Health Occupations Students of America


 Found in words such as “bronchitis,” this suffix means “inflammation.”

What is -itis?


 When performing CPR on an adult, the recommended compression-to-breath ratio is this.

What is 30 compressions to 2 breaths?


This body system circulates blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body.

 What is the circulatory system?


 Thirst, frequent urination, and high blood sugar levels. A test for this chronic condition would include measuring fasting glucose levels.

What is diabetes  (mellitus)


What clothing items make up HOSA official dress?

 What is navy blazer and navy slacks/ black blazer and slacks (skirt)


 Derived from Greek roots meaning “kidney” and “removal,” this term refers to the surgical removal of a kidney.

 What is nephrectomy?


This medical emergency occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce it, leading to dangerously low body temperature.

 What is hypothermia?


 This system, which includes the lungs and airways, is essential for breathing and gas exchange.

What is the respiratory system


A patient arrives at the ER with crushing chest pain radiating to the left arm, shortness of breath, and nausea. An ECG and troponin test confirm this life-threatening condition.

What is a myocardial infarction (heart attack)?


What is the ILC theme for 2024- 2025?

what is powered by people


Combining the Greek roots of nose and flow this term describes a condition characterized by a watery nasal discharge.

What is rhinorrhea?


 In a choking emergency, you should perform this maneuver to clear an obstructed airway.

What is the Heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrusts)


Comprising the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, this system filters blood, excretes metabolic waste, and maintains fluid and electrolyte balance.

What is the urinary system?


A 45-year-old woman complains of fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, and dry skin. A TSH blood test would help diagnose this endocrine disorder

What is hypothyroidism


The first-ever HOSA National Leadership Conference was held in this U.S. state.

 What is Oklahoma


 In medical terminology, the suffix “-itis” indicates inflammation. Encephalitis refers to inflammation of the brain. When this inflammation also involves the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, what is the term for this combined condition?

What is meningoencephalitis?


In cases of severe limb hemorrhage where direct pressure fails, emergency responders may use this device—typically applied 2 to 3 inches above the wound (and never over a joint)—to occlude arterial blood flow until further care can be provided.

What is a tourniquet?


 This network of vessels, nodes, and organs—including the thymus and spleen—is critical for immune responses and fluid balance; its dysfunction can lead to conditions like lymphedema.

What is the lymphatic system?


A 60-year-old patient presents with rapidly progressing dementia, muscle stiffness, and involuntary jerking movements. An EEG shows periodic sharp wave complexes, and a cerebrospinal fluid test detects 14-3-3 protein, suggesting this rare and fatal prion disease.

What is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease?


 Who was HOSA founded by?

the state department of education (and division of vocational education)


Derived from Greek roots meaning “vertebra” and “inflammation,” this term describes a type of arthritis that primarily affects the spine, often leading to chronic back pain and stiffness.

What is spondylitis?


 In cases of severe bleeding, when direct pressure and elevation are not enough, this pressure point in the upper arm can be compressed to slow arterial blood flow to the limb.

What is the brachial artery?


As the body’s largest organ system, this system protects underlying tissues, regulates temperature, and produces vitamin D from sunlight.

What is the integumentary system?