host missed

What is Poor communication?

Host failed to respond to a guest’s material questions related to an "Accepted" reservation via Airbnb message thread or by any other means.


Is a Zombie host an internal term



What is the timeframe we give the host to respond

1 hour


Material questions for poor communication?

  • Guest seeks clarification that the pack-n-play will be available as advertised
  • Guest seeks clarification of check-in instructions
  • Guest enquires or requests to adjusting the number of guests on the reservation 
  • Guest seeks help with washing machine that doesn’t appear to be working

What is a zombie host

  • Recent history show lack of responses to guests' messages
  • Instant Book listing's reservation history show consecutive cancellations (CBH) due to no response from them
  • Presence of Nova cases with Host not responding user issue and related violation flags on their Nova Case profile
  • Listing that never successfully completed a reservation (reservations were canceled as a CBH or CBA) or a snoozed or blocked listing that automatically re-opened (which the Host didn't notice)

If the guest was using a paper map to find listing is this the host fault



What deadline would you set with a host if the reservation is checking-in in 4 days

12 hours


Non material related poor communication questions

  • Guest seeks restaurant recommendations in advance of trip
  • Guest wants to know how far away the listing is from the local train station
  • Guest needs to cancel
  • Reservation was canceled incorrectly
  • Guest needs to cancel due to double booking
  • Guest needs to cancel due to the death of an additional guest or immediate family member
  • Guest wants to cancel a future or active reservation due to ongoing issues with payment
  • Guest contacts us about cancellation and says Host agreed to refund
  • Guest needs to cancel and deactivate their account

What should be done if the host is suspended

  1. Process CBH
  2. Create a Host ticket and inform the Host about the canceled reservation and that this will be treated as a Host cancellation and Ground rules for Hosts violation, so cancellation fees and other consequences apply
  3. Solve the case
  4. On the guest case:
    1. If a reservation insurance is attached to the reservation, follow additional steps for the guest cases as per the Reservation insurance EU workflow > Resolutions 1 and 2 tab > "Guest reports violation of ground rules for Hosts" section
    2. Rebook them per the Reservation rebooking article

What deadline would you set if Check-in is today 

1 hour


if check in is 7 days away (deadline)

up to 3 days


What is the timeframe to contact host 

8:00AM–8:00 PM (as per Host's timezone)