HOSWWA insurance for our properties mostly runs through this agency.
Synchrous or (HARRP)
This is the way we ensure fair housing practices
Treating all tenants the same when screening, and processing applications the same.
HOSWWA started working with Veterans Affairs in this year.
Annual recertification's must be done?
This is the correct way to lift boxes
With the legs.
Our agency holds two categories of cash. These categories are?
Unrestricted & Restricted.
Rents are due by?
the 6th
This is one of the qualifying factors to be able to participate in the Veterans integration program
Served in military, lacking a fixed regular night-time residence, willing to set goals, daily contact. Other answers as confirmed by SS team.
Mary receives $400 a month for the care of her child from the biological parent. This type of income is?
Child Support
GFCI Stands for?
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
When a project reaches a certain threshold it becomes capitalized. This is the dollar minimum to capitalize.
The oldest constructed building HOSWWA owns is the ____ building. Bonus if you guess what year it was built.
Sylvester. Between 1924 and 1925
Rent Well, a Supportive Services program is a tenant education curriculum that lasts this long total.
15 hours
This is how much a dependents allowance is
This is the voltage of a hot water heater
GASB statement 96 is for reporting SBITA's. SBITA Stands for?
Subscription Based Information Technology Arrangement
This is the number of active properties that HOSWWA owns (Including JPCHA properties)
These are the two types of vouchers offered by VIP
TANF stands for?
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
This item is used to snake a toilet
As of December 15, 2023. GASB came out with statement number 101. This statement is for?
Compensated Absences
This is the maximum amount that can be charged on a TPA
Up to 30% of their monthly rent income
This is VIP extension number!
Units must pass an HQS inspection once every?
24 months
What is the size of our project crew?