Template Trivia & Other
Other Investments
Mutual Funds
Master Flow Thru Accounts

These are the rows that are NEVER hidden on the Financial Report.

What are Rollovers, Benefits Paid, Expenses, Liabilities, and Receivables. 


If a deposit is made to an Other Investment (or new purchase made) that did not come out of another plan account this is called what.

What is a contribution.


This must be manually linked from the Mutual Fund Tab to the Plan Totals tab.

What are distributions, expenses and outside transfers.


SDBA plans with Flow thru accounts.  This is the column on the plan totals tab where distributions are shown.

What is – Participant Column


What are the 2023 Cola limits for EE, Catch up and ER

What is $22,500, $7,500 and $66,000


This is what you do when you compelte a ReWork case or Special Services case when the TA is done.

What is Notify Jaime for ReWork and Susan for Special services. 


Notes and Deeds are simple promissory notes (outside loans) that are treated exactly like this other type of investment in the plan.  

What is participant loans.


This is what you do with contributions if deposited into a Mutual Fund.

What is manually link to the contribution recon tab.


Distribution / Distribution transfer column on peracct tab for Master account – when this total does not equal zero this is typically called what?

What is a forfeiture. 


When doing accounting PY on Cash and converting to CY Accrual.  What are contributions deposited for the prior year listed as on the Plan Totals and Financial Report

What are prior year unreported contributions


This is always shown as a negative in the top portion on the Financial Report.

What are Liabilities. 


These expenses go into the category of “Other Expenses”

What is Real Estate Expenses.


This is what you do if a plan has more than One Mutual Fund holding company on the Plan Totals.

What is add rows (one for each holding company) and manually link to MF tab.


When master flow thru accounts have the final deposit that does not get transferred to participant accounts this is what you have to do with these deposits on the contribution recon tab.

What is allocate them to the participants.


This is what you do with mutual funds and other investments to get them to link to the List of Investments Tab

What is – add them to the Plan Totals Row 7 – 16 (account number section)


This is what you can do to check to make sure all activity from the per account tab was linked to the plan totals tab.

What is compare Gain/Loss


If a plan owns stock outside of a brokerage account, we do not have a value but the stock is traded on the stock market.  This is the website you can use to value the stock.


This is how you identify an FBO account for a Mutual Fund.

What is use the drop down box.


When you have a Master Flow Thru account with prior year transfers due this is the row on the peracct section of the plan totals tab that is used to reflect Prior Year transfers due that were deposited during the current year.

What is – OTHER (ROW 98)


If doing an annual TA that already has an Interim TA complete or if completing a Rework TA – this is what you should never do with the file.

What is overwrite the current excel file.


This is question on the checklist would be answered by saying “No 2024 statements available”

What is: Have the current year EE/ ER accruals been deposited by the date the TA is completed.


New purchases or sales of Other Investments from funds in a brokerage account would be considered transfers and then linked from the PerAcct tab to the PerAcct section row for transfers on the Plan Totals Tab.  This is what must you do to get the income and expense portion of the Plan Totals tab, transfers to equal zero.

What is manually link the transfer from the Other Investment tab.


This is where you NEVER include Mutual Fund Activity.

What is the PerAcct section of the Plan Totals Tab.


Any activity that flows in and out of the Master Account to the participant would be shown as income or expense activity in this column on the Plan Totals Tab.



Prior year unreported contributions (Cash – Accrual) what do you do with them on the cont recon tab

What is Allocate them