Can you find a PLACE for the piano?

Can you find a HOME for the piano?


All our advertising material is designed BY OURSELVES.

All our advertising material is designed IN-HOUSE.


He really FEELS RELAXED when he stays over, huh? Is that your sweater he's wearing?

He really MAKES HIMSELF AT HOME when he stays over, huh? Is that your sweater he's wearing?


When I saw for myself the damage that had been caused, it really MADE ME REALIZE the scale of the disaster.

When I saw for myself the damage that had been caused, it really BROUGHT HOME TO ME the scale of the disaster.


I was worried that they wouldn't like each other but they are getting on REALLY WELL.

I was worried that they wouldn't like each other but they are getting on LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE.


The hotel was really AS COMFORTABLE AS OUR HOME.

The hotel was A HOME FROM HOME.


The clown sang a duet with the talking horse that MADE THE AUDIENCE LAUGH every night.

The clown sang a duet with the talking horse that BROUGHT THE HOUSE DOWN every night.

You should SORT OUT YOUR PROBLEMS before trying to tell me what to do!

You should PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER before trying to tell me what to do!


Kim may be tiny, but she has a big appetite, so don't be surprised if she EATS A WHOLE LOT.

Kim may be tiny, but she has a big appetite, so don't be surprised if she EATS YOU OUT OF HOUSE AND HOME.


I REALISED the full horror of the war when we started seeing pictures of it on the television.

The full horror of the war HIT HOME when we started seeing pictures of it on the television.


People generally believe that once they shut their front doors they are VERY SAFE.

People generally believe that once they shut their front doors they are AS SAFE AS HOUSES.


He decided it was time to tell her some UNPLEASANT FACTS.

He decided it was time to tell her some HOME TRUTHS.

Their performance was NOT EXCITING.

Their performance was NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT.


We just have to finish this exercise and then we're FREE.

We just have to finish this exercise and then we're HOME AND DRY.


Once Jack starts playing video games there is no use in talking to him. It's like HE'S NOT THERE AT ALL.

Once Jack starts playing video games there is no use in talking to him. It's like THE LIGHTS ARE ON BUT NOBODY'S HOME.


I could sit here and argue with you FOR A VERY LONG TIME, but it wouldn't solve anything.

I could sit here and argue with you UNTIL THE COWS COME HOME, but it wouldn't solve anything.