These two campus locations have workout equipment, a pool, track, and other services to help students stay physically active. (Must name BOTH locations)
Nick and Bakke
If residents are below this age, they cannot be in possession of alcohol
This was the year UW-Madison was founded
Badger fans stand up and shake the stadium when this song is played after the third quarter of football games.
Jump Around
This is how many nights away a house fellow has per semester
This organization hosts fun events for residents most weekend nights in Gordons or Dejope.
Wisconsin Late Night
This is the time when quiet hours begins on weekends
Although not allowed in the halls, this is what B.O.R.G. stands for
Black Out Rage Gallon
Rub this statue’s foot for good luck on exams.
Abe Lincoln Statue
This is the nightly curfew for house fellows when not on duty
This website provides information on all student orgs on campus
Wisconsin Involvement Network
This is the most amount of marijuana allowed in a dorm at once.
0. It is not allowed at all!
This is the name of the protein shake cafe at the Bakke
Shake Smart
This outdoor party happens the Saturday before final exam week every spring semester.
Mifflin Street Block Party
This is the official start and end times for when a housefellow is on weeknight duty.
8pm - 9am
This campus center, based in the Red Gym, focuses on supporting LGBTQ+ students, their communities, and allies.
Gender and sexuality student center
Smoking is not permitted within this distance from residence halls
25 feet
This person is the Associate Vice Chancellor - University Housing
Jeff Novak
This is the name of the student section in hockey games
Crease Creatures
This is the minimum GPA house fellows are required to maintain.
This UW service, located in the Student Activity Center, provides food and hygiene products to students.
The Open Seat Food Pantry
This is the maximum number of guests that can stay overnight in a dorm room on any given night.
Name 4 of the 7 core values of UW Housing
Care, Creativity, Excellence, Integrity, Optimism, Respect, and Stewardship (only need to name 4/7 of these)
Here’s some lyrics to our school fight song, “On Wisconsin.” What’s the next line of lyrics?
On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin
Plunge right through that line,
Run the ball clear down the field, boys...
Touchdown sure this time
This is the exact number of months a housefellow must be in the role to get to compensation level 2
9 months