What time in the morning is coffee served?
what is 6:00 - 9:30 am
Coffee is served starting at _______ and ends _______in the afternoon
What is 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Our language can be hurtful or disrespectful.
What is No offensive Language in Hallways?
you move you lose.
What is "There’re no saving spots in Med Line"
This is time in the morning to watch TV news
What is 6 AM – 9 AM Mon.– Fri. TV back on at 3:30 PM.
what time is coffee served in the afternoon?
What is 4:00 - 7:30 pm
there are no ___________/ _________ transaction between clients or staff.
What is Financial / money
This will not be tolerated
What is physical aggression toward other clients or Staff
This is not allowed while in med line.
What is "No eating and drinking ".
who can cut your hair
What is "you are never allow to have someone cut your hair"
No hair cutting or braiding of hair. (COVID distancing). If you give or receive a haircut from someone or use someone else clipper (you might be put on final contract up to discharge from FH program) This is safety issue for Freedom House. Remember personal hygiene safety.
What is this powder and granulated substance used for coffee?
What is sugar and cream.
this is the Proper way to wear a mask
This is not allowed when at windows.
What is No hollering out of the window at people visiting the building.
This is the only reason you can leave the med line.
What is "go straight to bathroom and return"
Outside Doctor appointments are made by who?
What is " nurse's office and PA, only emergencies
This must happen in the morning before you leave your room.
What is getting up and dressed by 7:30?
When are you allowed to miss any group
What is "NEVER" and nurse's excuse"
Groups- everyone needs to attend and stay in group for entire scheduled time, including morning meditation.
This is inappropriate behavior while here at freedom house.
What is No Horse playing or bullying in the house.
You must have this taken every day.
What is "temperature taken"
This is not allow in Freedom House, ____________ and __________, this action can result in up to and including possible discharge
you can not wear these clothes in the morning when leaving you room.
What is you pajamas or sleeping attire?
9:00 PM TO 9:00 AM. 10:30 PM LIGHTS OUT is?
What is "Quiet time"
Who do you respect in the house?
What is Staff and Peers.
This is a requirement when you are in or out of the house.
What is "wear a mask"
When going out for appointments, when returning you must go where?